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Using Dijkstra algorithm implemented by Boost.Graph, and extract only the aggregate cost of the shortest path(s) found, for the combination of vertices given.


Boost Graph Inside


  • Version 2.2.0
    • New Official function


The pgr_dijkstraCost algorithm, is a good choice to calculate the sum of the costs of the shortest path for a subset of pairs of nodes of the graph. We make use of the Boost’s implementation of dijkstra which runs in O(VlogV+E) time.

The main characteristics are:
  • It does not return a path.
  • Returns the sum of the costs of the shortest path for pair combination of nodes in the graph.
  • Process is done only on edges with positive costs.
  • Values are returned when there is a path.
    • The returned values are in the form of a set of (start_vid, end_vid, agg_cost).
    • When the starting vertex and ending vertex are the same, there is no path.
      • The agg_cost int the non included values (v, v) is 0
    • When the starting vertex and ending vertex are the different and there is no path.
      • The agg_cost in the non included values (u, v) is
  • Let be the case the values returned are stored in a table, so the unique index would be the pair: (start_vid, end_vid).
  • For undirected graphs, the results are symmetric.
    • The agg_cost of (u, v) is the same as for (v, u).
  • Any duplicated value in the start_vids or end_vids is ignored.
  • The returned values are ordered:
    • start_vid ascending
    • end_vid ascending
  • Running time: O(|start_vids|(VlogV+E))



pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, from_vid,  to_vid  [, directed])
pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, from_vid,  to_vids [, directed])
pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, from_vids, to_vid  [, directed])
pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, from_vids, to_vids [, directed])
RETURNS SET OF (start_vid, end_vid, agg_cost)

Using defaults

pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, from_vid,  to_vid)
RETURNS SET OF (start_vid, end_vid, agg_cost)
Example:From vertex 2 to vertex 3 on a directed graph
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstraCost(
    'select id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost from edge_table',
    2, 3);
 start_vid | end_vid | agg_cost
         2 |       3 |        5
(1 row)

One to One

pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, from_vid,  to_vid  [, directed])
RETURNS SET OF (start_vid, end_vid, agg_cost)
Example:From vertex 2 to vertex 3 on an undirected graph
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstraCost(
    'select id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost from edge_table',
    2, 3, false);
 start_vid | end_vid | agg_cost
         2 |       3 |        1
(1 row)

One to Many

pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, from_vid,  to_vids [, directed])
RETURNS SET OF (start_vid, end_vid, agg_cost)
Example:From vertex 2 to vertices {3,11} on a directed graph
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstraCost(
    'select id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost from edge_table',
    2, ARRAY[3, 11]);
 start_vid | end_vid | agg_cost
         2 |       3 |        5
         2 |      11 |        3
(2 rows)

Many to One

 pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, from_vids, to_vid  [, directed])
RETURNS SET OF (start_vid, end_vid, agg_cost)
Example:From vertices {2,7} to vertex 3 on a directed graph
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstraCost(
    'select id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost from edge_table',
    ARRAY[2, 7], 3);
 start_vid | end_vid | agg_cost
         2 |       3 |        5
         7 |       3 |        6
(2 rows)

Many to Many

pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, from_vids, to_vids [, directed])
RETURNS SET OF (start_vid, end_vid, agg_cost)
Example:From vertices {2,7} to vertices {3,11} on a directed graph
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstraCost(
    'select id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost from edge_table',
    ARRAY[2, 7], ARRAY[3, 11]);
 start_vid | end_vid | agg_cost
         2 |       3 |        5
         2 |      11 |        3
         7 |       3 |        6
         7 |      11 |        4
(4 rows)


Parameter Type Default Description
edges_sql TEXT   Inner SQL query as described below.
start_vid BIGINT   Identifier of the starting vertex of the path.
start_vids ARRAY[BIGINT]   Array of identifiers of starting vertices.
end_vid BIGINT   Identifier of the ending vertex of the path.
end_vids ARRAY[BIGINT]   Array of identifiers of ending vertices.
directed BOOLEAN true
  • When true Graph is considered Directed
  • When false the graph is considered as Undirected.

Inner query

Column Type Default Description
id ANY-INTEGER   Identifier of the edge.
source ANY-INTEGER   Identifier of the first end point vertex of the edge.
target ANY-INTEGER   Identifier of the second end point vertex of the edge.

Weight of the edge (source, target)

  • When negative: edge (source, target) does not exist, therefore it’s not part of the graph.
reverse_cost ANY-NUMERICAL -1

Weight of the edge (target, source),

  • When negative: edge (target, source) does not exist, therefore it’s not part of the graph.



Return Columns

Returns SET OF (start_vid, end_vid, agg_cost)

Column Type Description
start_vid BIGINT Identifier of the starting vertex. Used when multiple starting vetrices are in the query.
end_vid BIGINT Identifier of the ending vertex. Used when multiple ending vertices are in the query.
agg_cost FLOAT Aggregate cost from start_vid to end_vid.

Additional Examples

Example 1:Demonstration of repeated values are ignored, and result is sorted.
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstraCost(
        'select id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost from edge_table',
            ARRAY[5, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4], ARRAY[3, 5, 3, 4]);
 start_vid | end_vid | agg_cost
         3 |       4 |        3
         3 |       5 |        2
         4 |       3 |        1
         4 |       5 |        3
         5 |       3 |        4
         5 |       4 |        3
(6 rows)

Example 2:Making start_vids the same as end_vids
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstraCost(
        'select id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost from edge_table',
            ARRAY[5, 3, 4], ARRAY[5, 3, 4]);
 start_vid | end_vid | agg_cost
         3 |       4 |        3
         3 |       5 |        2
         4 |       3 |        1
         4 |       5 |        3
         5 |       3 |        4
         5 |       4 |        3
(6 rows)