Supported versions: latest (3.8) 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 main dev

Migration guide

Several functions are having changes on the signatures, and/or have been replaced by new functions.

Results can be different because of the changes.

Migrating functions:

pgr_maxCardinalityMatch works only for undirected graphs, therefore the directed flag has been removed.

pgr_trsp - Proposed signatures have changed and many issues have been fixed in the new signatures. This section will show how to migrate from the old signatures to the new replacement functions. This also affects the restrictions.


All deprecated functions will be removed on next mayor version 4.0.0

Migration of pgr_maxCardinalityMatch

Signature to be migrated:

pgr_maxCardinalityMatch(Edges SQL, [directed])
 RETURNS SETOF (seq, edge, source, target)

Migration is needed, because:

  • Use cost and reverse_cost on the inner query

  • Results are ordered

  • Works for undirected graphs.

  • New signature

    • pgr_maxCardinalityMatch(text) returns only edge column.

    • The optional flag directed is removed.

Before migration:

SELECT * FROM pgr_maxCardinalityMatch(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost AS going, reverse_cost AS coming FROM edges$$,
  directed => true
WARNING:  pgr_maxCardinalityMatch(text,boolean) deprecated on v3.4.0
 seq | edge | source | target
   1 |    1 |      5 |      6
   2 |    5 |     10 |     11
   3 |    6 |      1 |      3
   4 |   13 |     12 |     17
   5 |   14 |      8 |      9
   6 |   16 |     15 |     16
   7 |   17 |      2 |      4
   8 |   18 |     13 |     14
(8 rows)

  • Columns used are going and coming to represent the existence of an edge.

  • Flag directed was used to indicate if it was for a directed or undirected graph.

    • The flag directed is ignored.

      • Regardless of it’s value it gives the result considering the graph as undirected.


  • Use the columns cost and reverse_cost to represent the existence of an edge.

  • Do not use the flag directed.

  • In the query returns only edge column.

SELECT * FROM pgr_maxCardinalityMatch(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$
(8 rows)

Migration of restrictions

The structure of the restrictions have changed:

Old restrictions structure

On the deprecated signatures:

  • Column rid is ignored

  • via_path

    • Must be in reverse order.

    • Is of type TEXT.

    • When more than one via edge must be separated with ,.

  • target_id

    • Is the last edge of the forbidden path.

    • Is of type INTEGER.

  • to_cost

    • Is of type FLOAT.

Creation of the old restrictions table

CREATE TABLE old_restrictions (
    to_cost FLOAT,
    target_id BIGINT,
    via_path TEXT

Old restrictions fill up

INSERT INTO old_restrictions (rid, to_cost, target_id, via_path) VALUES
(1, 100,  7,  '4'),
(1, 100, 11,  '8'),
(1, 100, 10,  '7'),
(2,   4,  9,  '5, 3'),
(3, 100,  9, '16');

Old restrictions contents

SELECT * FROM old_restrictions;
 rid | to_cost | target_id | via_path
   1 |     100 |         7 | 4
   1 |     100 |        11 | 8
   1 |     100 |        10 | 7
   2 |       4 |         9 | 5, 3
   3 |     100 |         9 | 16
(5 rows)

The restriction with rid = 2 is representing 359

  • 35

    • is on column via_path in reverse order

    • is of type TEXT

  • 9

    • is on column target_id

    • is of type INTEGER

New restrictions structure

  • Column id is ignored

  • Column path

    • Is of type ARRAY[ANY-INTEGER].

    • Contains all the edges involved on the restriction.

    • The array has the ordered edges of the restriction.

  • Column cost

    • Is of type ANY-NUMERICAL

The creation of the restrictions table

CREATE TABLE restrictions (
    path BIGINT[],
    cost FLOAT

Adding the restrictions

INSERT INTO restrictions (path, cost) VALUES
(ARRAY[4, 7], 100),
(ARRAY[8, 11], 100),
(ARRAY[7, 10], 100),
(ARRAY[3, 5, 9], 4),
(ARRAY[9, 16], 100);

Restrictions data

SELECT * FROM restrictions;
 id |  path   | cost
  1 | {4,7}   |  100
  2 | {8,11}  |  100
  3 | {7,10}  |  100
  4 | {3,5,9} |    4
  5 | {9,16}  |  100
(5 rows)

The restriction with rid = 2 represents the path 359.

  • By inspection the path is clear.


To transform the old restrictions table to the new restrictions structure,

  • Create a new table with the new restrictions structure.

    • In this migration guide new_restrictions is been used.

  • For this migration pgRouting supplies an auxiliary function for reversal of an array _pgr_array_reverse needed for the migration.

    • _pgr_array_reverse:

      • Was created temporally for this migration

      • Is not documented.

      • Will be removed on the next mayor version 4.0.0

SELECT rid AS id,
    array_prepend(target_id, string_to_array(via_path::text, ',')::BIGINT[])) AS path,
  to_cost AS cost
  INTO new_restrictions
FROM old_restrictions;

The migrated table contents:

SELECT * FROM new_restrictions;
 id |  path   | cost
  1 | {4,7}   |  100
  1 | {8,11}  |  100
  1 | {7,10}  |  100
  2 | {3,5,9} |    4
  3 | {16,9}  |  100
(5 rows)

Migration of pgr_trsp (Vertices)

Signature to be migrated:

pgr_trsp(Edges SQL, source, target,
         directed boolean, has_rcost boolean
         [,restrict_sql text]);
 RETURNS SETOF (seq, id1, id2, cost)
  • The integral type of the Edges SQL can only be INTEGER.

  • The floating point type of the Edges SQL can only be FLOAT.

  • directed flag is compulsory.

    • Does not have a default value.

  • Does not autodetect if reverse_cost column exist.

    • User must be careful to match the existence of the column with the value of has_rcost parameter.

  • The restrictions inner query is optional.

  • The output column names are meaningless

Migrate by using:

Migrating pgr_trsp (Vertices) using pgr_dijkstra

The following query does not have restrictions.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trsp(
  $$SELECT id::INTEGER, source::INTEGER, target::INTEGER, cost, reverse_cost
    FROM edges WHERE id != 16$$,
  15, 16,
  true, true);
WARNING:  pgr_trsp(text,integer,integer,boolean,boolean) deprecated on v3.4.0
 seq | id1 | id2 | cost
   0 |  15 |   3 |    1
   1 |  10 |   5 |    1
   2 |  11 |   9 |    1
   3 |  16 |  -1 |    0
(4 rows)

  • A message about deprecation is shown

    • Deprecated functions will be removed on the next mayor version 4.0.0

Use pgr_dijkstra instead.

SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost
    FROM edges WHERE id != 16$$,
  15, 16);
 seq | path_seq | node | edge | cost | agg_cost
   1 |        1 |   15 |    3 |    1 |        0
   2 |        2 |   10 |    5 |    1 |        1
   3 |        3 |   11 |    9 |    1 |        2
   4 |        4 |   16 |   -1 |    0 |        3
(4 rows)

  • The types casting has been removed.

  • pgr_dijkstra:

    • Autodetects if reverse_cost column is in the edges SQL.

    • Accepts ANY-INTEGER on integral types

    • Accepts ANY-NUMERICAL on floating point types

    • directed flag has a default value of true.

      • Use the same value that on the original query.

      • In this example it is true which is the default value.

        • The flag has been omitted and the default is been used.

When the need of using strictly the same (meaningless) names and types of the function been migrated then:

SELECT seq, node::INTEGER AS id1, edge::INTEGER AS id2, cost
FROM pgr_dijkstra(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost
    FROM edges WHERE id != 16$$,
  15, 16);
 seq | id1 | id2 | cost
   1 |  15 |   3 |    1
   2 |  10 |   5 |    1
   3 |  11 |   9 |    1
   4 |  16 |  -1 |    0
(4 rows)

  • id1 is the node

  • id2 is the edge

Migrating pgr_trsp (Vertices) using pgr_trsp

The following query has restrictions.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trsp(
  $$SELECT id::INTEGER, source::INTEGER, target::INTEGER, cost, reverse_cost
    FROM edges WHERE id != 16$$,
  15, 16,
  true, true,
  $$SELECT to_cost, target_id::INTEGER, via_path
    FROM old_restrictions$$);
WARNING:  pgr_trsp(text,integer,integer,boolean,boolean) deprecated on v3.4.0
 seq | id1 | id2 | cost
   0 |  15 |   3 |    1
   1 |  10 |   5 |    1
   2 |  11 |  11 |    1
   3 |  12 |  13 |    1
   4 |  17 |  15 |    1
   5 |  16 |  -1 |    0
(6 rows)

  • A message about deprecation is shown

    • Deprecated functions will be removed on the next mayor version 4.0.0

  • The restrictions are the last parameter of the function

    • Using the old structure of restrictions

Use pgr_trsp - Proposed (One to One) instead.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trsp(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost
    FROM edges WHERE id != 16$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM new_restrictions$$,
  15, 16);
 seq | path_seq | start_vid | end_vid | node | edge | cost | agg_cost
   1 |        1 |        15 |      16 |   15 |    3 |    1 |        0
   2 |        2 |        15 |      16 |   10 |    5 |    1 |        1
   3 |        3 |        15 |      16 |   11 |   11 |    1 |        2
   4 |        4 |        15 |      16 |   12 |   13 |    1 |        3
   5 |        5 |        15 |      16 |   17 |   15 |    1 |        4
   6 |        6 |        15 |      16 |   16 |   -1 |    0 |        5
(6 rows)

  • The new structure of restrictions is been used.

    • It is the second parameter.

  • The types casting has been removed.

  • pgr_trsp - Proposed:

    • Autodetects if reverse_cost column is in the edges SQL.

    • Accepts ANY-INTEGER on integral types

    • Accepts ANY-NUMERICAL on floating point types

    • directed flag has a default value of true.

      • Use the same value that on the original query.

      • In this example it is true which is the default value.

        • The flag has been omitted and the default is been used.

When the need of using strictly the same (meaningless) names and types of the function been migrated then:

SELECT seq, node::INTEGER AS id1, edge::INTEGER AS id2, cost
FROM pgr_trsp(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost
    FROM edges WHERE id != 16$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM new_restrictions$$,
  15, 16);
 seq | id1 | id2 | cost
   1 |  15 |   3 |    1
   2 |  10 |   5 |    1
   3 |  11 |  11 |    1
   4 |  12 |  13 |    1
   5 |  17 |  15 |    1
   6 |  16 |  -1 |    0
(6 rows)

  • id1 is the node

  • id2 is the edge

Migration of pgr_trsp (Edges)

Signature to be migrated:

pgr_trsp(sql text, source_edge integer, source_pos float8,
                 target_edge integer, target_pos float8,
                 directed boolean, has_rcost boolean
                 [,restrict_sql text]);
RETURNS SETOF (seq, id1, id2, cost)
  • The integral types of the sql can only be INTEGER.

  • The floating point type of the sql can only be FLOAT.

  • directed flag is compulsory.

    • Does not have a default value.

  • Does not autodetect if reverse_cost column exist.

    • User must be careful to match the existence of the column with the value of has_rcost parameter.

  • The restrictions inner query is optional.

For these migration guide the following points will be used:

SELECT pid, edge_id, fraction, side FROM pointsOfInterest
WHERE pid IN (3, 4);
 pid | edge_id | fraction | side
   3 |      12 |      0.6 | l
   4 |       6 |      0.3 | r
(2 rows)

Migrate by using:

Migrating pgr_trsp (Edges) using pgr_withPoints

The following query does not have restrictions.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trsp(
  $$SELECT id::INTEGER, source::INTEGER, target::INTEGER, cost, reverse_cost
    FROM edges$$,
  6, 0.3, 12, 0.6,
  true, true);
WARNING:  pgr_trsp(text,integer,float,integer,float,boolean,boolean) deprecated on v3.4.0
 seq | id1 | id2 | cost
   0 |  -1 |   6 |  0.7
   1 |   3 |   7 |    1
   2 |   7 |  10 |    1
   3 |   8 |  12 |  0.6
   4 |  -2 |  -1 |    0
(5 rows)

  • A message about deprecation is shown

    • Deprecated functions will be removed on the next mayor version 4.0.0

Use pgr_withPoints - Proposed instead.

SELECT * FROM pgr_withPoints(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  $$SELECT pid, edge_id, fraction FROM pointsOfInterest WHERE pid IN (4, 3)$$,
  -4, -3,
  details => false);
 seq | path_seq | node | edge | cost | agg_cost
   1 |        1 |   -4 |    6 |  0.7 |        0
   2 |        2 |    3 |    7 |    1 |      0.7
   3 |        3 |    7 |   10 |    1 |      1.7
   4 |        4 |    8 |   12 |  0.6 |      2.7
   5 |        5 |   -3 |   -1 |    0 |      3.3
(5 rows)

  • The types casting has been removed.

  • Do not show details, as the deprecated function does not show details.

  • pgr_withPoints - Proposed:

    • Autodetects if reverse_cost column is in the edges SQL.

    • Accepts ANY-INTEGER on integral types

    • Accepts ANY-NUMERICAL on floating point types

    • directed flag has a default value of true.

      • Use the same value that on the original query.

      • In this example it is true which is the default value.

        • The flag has been omitted and the default is been used.

    • On the points query do not include the side column.

When the need of using strictly the same (meaningless) names and types, and node values of the function been migrated then:

SELECT seq, node::INTEGER AS id1, edge::INTEGER AS id2, cost
FROM pgr_withPoints(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1, 6, 0.3),(2, 12, 0.6)) AS t(pid, edge_id, fraction)$$,
  -1, -2,
  details => false);
 seq | id1 | id2 | cost
   1 |  -1 |   6 |  0.7
   2 |   3 |   7 |    1
   3 |   7 |  10 |    1
   4 |   8 |  12 |  0.6
   5 |  -2 |  -1 |    0
(5 rows)

  • id1 is the node

  • id2 is the edge

Migrating pgr_trsp (Edges) using pgr_trsp_withPoints

The following query has restrictions.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trsp(
  $$SELECT id::INTEGER, source::INTEGER, target::INTEGER, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  6, 0.3, 12, 0.6, true, true,
  $$SELECT to_cost, target_id::INTEGER, via_path FROM old_restrictions$$);
WARNING:  pgr_trsp(text,integer,float,integer,float,boolean,boolean) deprecated on v3.4.0
 seq | id1 | id2 | cost
   0 |  -1 |   6 |  0.7
   1 |   3 |   7 |    1
   2 |   7 |   8 |    1
   3 |  11 |   9 |    1
   4 |  16 |  16 |    1
   5 |  15 |   3 |    1
   6 |  10 |   2 |    1
   7 |   6 |   4 |    1
   8 |   7 |  10 |    1
   9 |   8 |  12 |  0.6
(10 rows)

  • A message about deprecation is shown

    • Deprecated functions will be removed on the next mayor version 4.0.0

  • The restrictions are the last parameter of the function

    • Using the old structure of restrictions

Use pgr_trsp_withPoints - Proposed instead.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trsp_withPoints(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM new_restrictions$$,
  $$SELECT pid, edge_id, fraction FROM pointsOfInterest WHERE pid IN (4, 3)$$,
  -4, -3,
  details => false);
 seq | path_seq | start_vid | end_vid | node | edge | cost | agg_cost
   1 |        1 |        -4 |      -3 |   -4 |    6 |  0.7 |        0
   2 |        2 |        -4 |      -3 |    3 |    7 |    1 |      0.7
   3 |        3 |        -4 |      -3 |    7 |    8 |    1 |      1.7
   4 |        4 |        -4 |      -3 |   11 |    9 |    1 |      2.7
   5 |        5 |        -4 |      -3 |   16 |   16 |    1 |      3.7
   6 |        6 |        -4 |      -3 |   15 |    3 |    1 |      4.7
   7 |        7 |        -4 |      -3 |   10 |    2 |    1 |      5.7
   8 |        8 |        -4 |      -3 |    6 |    4 |    1 |      6.7
   9 |        9 |        -4 |      -3 |    7 |   10 |    1 |      7.7
  10 |       10 |        -4 |      -3 |    8 |   12 |  0.6 |      8.7
  11 |       11 |        -4 |      -3 |   -3 |   -1 |    0 |      9.3
(11 rows)

  • The new structure of restrictions is been used.

    • It is the second parameter.

  • The types casting has been removed.

  • Do not show details, as the deprecated function does not show details.

  • pgr_trsp_withPoints - Proposed:

    • Autodetects if reverse_cost column is in the edges SQL.

    • Accepts ANY-INTEGER on integral types

    • Accepts ANY-NUMERICAL on floating point types

    • directed flag has a default value of true.

      • Use the same value that on the original query.

      • In this example it is true which is the default value.

        • The flag has been omitted and the default is been used.

    • On the points query do not include the side column.

When the need of using strictly the same (meaningless) names and types, and node values of the function been migrated then:

SELECT seq, node::INTEGER AS id1, edge::INTEGER AS id2, cost
FROM pgr_trsp_withPoints(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM new_restrictions$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1, 6, 0.3),(2, 12, 0.6)) AS t(pid, edge_id, fraction)$$,
  -1, -2,
  details => false)
WHERE edge != -1;
 seq | id1 | id2 | cost
   1 |  -1 |   6 |  0.7
   2 |   3 |   7 |    1
   3 |   7 |   8 |    1
   4 |  11 |   9 |    1
   5 |  16 |  16 |    1
   6 |  15 |   3 |    1
   7 |  10 |   2 |    1
   8 |   6 |   4 |    1
   9 |   7 |  10 |    1
  10 |   8 |  12 |  0.6
(10 rows)

  • id1 is the node

  • id2 is the edge

Migration of pgr_trspViaVertices

Signature to be migrated:

pgr_trspViaVertices(sql text, vids integer[],
                  directed boolean, has_rcost boolean
                  [, turn_restrict_sql text]);
RETURNS SETOF (seq, id1, id2, id3, cost)
  • The integral types of the Edges SQL can only be INTEGER.

  • The floating point type of the Edges SQL can only be FLOAT.

  • directed flag is compulsory.

    • Does not have a default value.

  • Does not autodetect if reverse_cost column exist.

    • User must be careful to match the existence of the column with the value of has_rcost parameter.

  • The restrictions inner query is optional.

Migrate by using:

Migrating pgr_trspViaVertices using pgr_dijkstraVia

The following query does not have restrictions.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trspViaVertices(
  $$SELECT id::INTEGER, source::INTEGER, target::INTEGER, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  ARRAY[6, 3, 6],
  true, true);
WARNING:  pgr_trspViaVertices(text,anyarray,boolean,boolean,text) is been deprecated
 seq | id1 | id2 | id3 | cost
   1 |   1 |   6 |   4 |    1
   2 |   1 |   7 |   7 |    1
   3 |   2 |   3 |   7 |    1
   4 |   2 |   7 |   4 |    1
   5 |   2 |   6 |  -1 |    0
(5 rows)

  • A message about deprecation is shown

    • Deprecated functions will be removed on the next mayor version 4.0.0

Use pgr_dijkstraVia - Proposed instead.

SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstraVia(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  ARRAY[6, 3, 6]);
 seq | path_id | path_seq | start_vid | end_vid | node | edge | cost | agg_cost | route_agg_cost
   1 |       1 |        1 |         6 |       3 |    6 |    4 |    1 |        0 |              0
   2 |       1 |        2 |         6 |       3 |    7 |    7 |    1 |        1 |              1
   3 |       1 |        3 |         6 |       3 |    3 |   -1 |    0 |        2 |              2
   4 |       2 |        1 |         3 |       6 |    3 |    7 |    1 |        0 |              2
   5 |       2 |        2 |         3 |       6 |    7 |    4 |    1 |        1 |              3
   6 |       2 |        3 |         3 |       6 |    6 |   -2 |    0 |        2 |              4
(6 rows)

  • The types casting has been removed.

  • pgr_dijkstraVia - Proposed:

    • Autodetects if reverse_cost column is in the edges SQL.

    • Accepts ANY-INTEGER on integral types

    • Accepts ANY-NUMERICAL on floating point types

    • directed flag has a default value of true.

      • Use the same value that on the original query.

      • In this example it is true which is the default value.

        • The flag has been omitted and the default is been used.

    • On the points query do not include the side column.

When the need of using strictly the same (meaningless) names and types of the function been migrated then:

SELECT row_number() over(ORDER BY seq) AS seq,
  path_id::INTEGER AS id1, node::INTEGER AS id2,
  CASE WHEN edge >= 0 THEN edge::INTEGER ELSE -1 END AS id3, cost::FLOAT
FROM pgr_dijkstraVia(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  ARRAY[6, 3, 6])
WHERE edge != -1;
 seq | id1 | id2 | id3 | cost
   1 |   1 |   6 |   4 |    1
   2 |   1 |   7 |   7 |    1
   3 |   2 |   3 |   7 |    1
   4 |   2 |   7 |   4 |    1
   5 |   2 |   6 |  -1 |    0
(5 rows)

  • id1 is the path identifier

  • id2 is the node

  • id3 is the edge

Migrating pgr_trspViaVertices using pgr_trspVia

The following query has restrictions.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trspViaVertices(
  $$SELECT id::INTEGER, source::INTEGER, target::INTEGER, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  ARRAY[6, 3, 6],
  true, true,
  $$SELECT to_cost, target_id::INTEGER, via_path FROM old_restrictions$$);
WARNING:  pgr_trspViaVertices(text,anyarray,boolean,boolean,text) is been deprecated
 seq | id1 | id2 | id3 | cost
   1 |   1 |   6 |   4 |    1
   2 |   1 |   7 |   8 |    1
   3 |   1 |  11 |   9 |    1
   4 |   1 |  16 |  16 |    1
   5 |   1 |  15 |   3 |    1
   6 |   1 |  10 |   5 |    1
   7 |   1 |  11 |   8 |    1
   8 |   1 |   7 |   7 |    1
   9 |   2 |   3 |   7 |    1
  10 |   2 |   7 |   4 |    1
  11 |   2 |   6 |  -1 |    0
(11 rows)

  • A message about deprecation is shown

    • Deprecated functions will be removed on the next mayor version 4.0.0

  • The restrictions are the last parameter of the function

    • Using the old structure of restrictions

Use pgr_trspVia - Proposed instead.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trspVia(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM new_restrictions$$,
  ARRAY[6, 3, 6]);
 seq | path_id | path_seq | start_vid | end_vid | node | edge | cost | agg_cost | route_agg_cost
   1 |       1 |        1 |         6 |       3 |    6 |    4 |    1 |        0 |              0
   2 |       1 |        2 |         6 |       3 |    7 |    8 |    1 |        1 |              1
   3 |       1 |        3 |         6 |       3 |   11 |    9 |    1 |        2 |              2
   4 |       1 |        4 |         6 |       3 |   16 |   16 |    1 |        3 |              3
   5 |       1 |        5 |         6 |       3 |   15 |    3 |    1 |        4 |              4
   6 |       1 |        6 |         6 |       3 |   10 |    5 |    1 |        5 |              5
   7 |       1 |        7 |         6 |       3 |   11 |    8 |    1 |        6 |              6
   8 |       1 |        8 |         6 |       3 |    7 |    7 |    1 |        7 |              7
   9 |       1 |        9 |         6 |       3 |    3 |   -1 |    0 |        8 |              8
  10 |       2 |        1 |         3 |       6 |    3 |    7 |    1 |        0 |              8
  11 |       2 |        2 |         3 |       6 |    7 |    4 |    1 |        1 |              9
  12 |       2 |        3 |         3 |       6 |    6 |   -2 |    0 |        2 |             10
(12 rows)

  • The new structure of restrictions is been used.

    • It is the second parameter.

  • The types casting has been removed.

  • pgr_trspVia - Proposed:

    • Autodetects if reverse_cost column is in the edges SQL.

    • Accepts ANY-INTEGER on integral types

    • Accepts ANY-NUMERICAL on floating point types

    • directed flag has a default value of true.

      • Use the same value that on the original query.

      • In this example it is true which is the default value.

        • The flag has been omitted and the default is been used.

    • On the points query do not include the side column.

When the need of using strictly the same (meaningless) names and types of the function been migrated then:

SELECT row_number() over(ORDER BY seq) AS seq,
  path_id::INTEGER AS id1, node::INTEGER AS id2,
  CASE WHEN edge >= 0 THEN edge::INTEGER ELSE -1 END AS id3, cost::FLOAT
FROM pgr_trspVia(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM new_restrictions$$,
  ARRAY[6, 3, 6])
WHERE edge != -1;
 seq | id1 | id2 | id3 | cost
   1 |   1 |   6 |   4 |    1
   2 |   1 |   7 |   8 |    1
   3 |   1 |  11 |   9 |    1
   4 |   1 |  16 |  16 |    1
   5 |   1 |  15 |   3 |    1
   6 |   1 |  10 |   5 |    1
   7 |   1 |  11 |   8 |    1
   8 |   1 |   7 |   7 |    1
   9 |   2 |   3 |   7 |    1
  10 |   2 |   7 |   4 |    1
  11 |   2 |   6 |  -1 |    0
(11 rows)

  • id1 is the path identifier

  • id2 is the node

  • id3 is the edge

Migration of pgr_trspViaEdges

Signature to be migrated:

pgr_trspViaEdges(sql text, eids integer[], pcts float8[],
                  directed boolean, has_rcost boolean
                  [, turn_restrict_sql text]);
RETURNS SETOF (seq, id1, id2, id3, cost)
  • The integral types of the Edges SQL can only be INTEGER.

  • The floating point type of the Edges SQL can only be FLOAT.

  • directed flag is compulsory.

    • Does not have a default value.

  • Does not autodetect if reverse_cost column exist.

    • User must be careful to match the existence of the column with the value of has_rcost parameter.

  • The restrictions inner query is optional.

For these migration guide the following points will be used:

SELECT pid, edge_id, fraction, side FROM pointsOfInterest
WHERE pid IN (3, 4, 6);
 pid | edge_id | fraction | side
   3 |      12 |      0.6 | l
   4 |       6 |      0.3 | r
   6 |       4 |      0.7 | b
(3 rows)

And will travel thru the following Via points 436

Migrate by using:

Migrating pgr_trspViaEdges using pgr_withPointsVia

The following query does not have restrictions.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trspViaEdges(
  $$SELECT id::INTEGER, source::INTEGER, target::INTEGER, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  ARRAY[6, 12, 4], ARRAY[0.3, 0.6, 0.7],
  true, true);
WARNING:  pgr_trspViaEdges(text,integer[],float[],boolean,boolean,text) deprecated on v3.4.0
 seq | id1 | id2 | id3 | cost
   1 |   1 |  -1 |   6 |  0.7
   2 |   1 |   3 |   7 |    1
   3 |   1 |   7 |  10 |    1
   4 |   1 |   8 |  12 |  0.6
   5 |   1 |  -2 |  -1 |    0
   6 |   2 |  -2 |  12 |  0.4
   7 |   2 |  12 |  13 |    1
   8 |   2 |  17 |  15 |    1
   9 |   2 |  16 |   9 |    1
  10 |   2 |  11 |   8 |    1
  11 |   2 |   7 |   4 |  0.7
  12 |   2 |  -3 |  -2 |    0
(12 rows)

  • A message about deprecation is shown

    • Deprecated functions will be removed on the next mayor version 4.0.0

Use pgr_withPointsVia - Proposed instead.

SELECT * FROM pgr_withPointsVia(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  $$SELECT pid, edge_id, fraction FROM pointsOfInterest WHERE pid IN (3, 4, 6)$$,
  ARRAY[-4, -3, -6],
  details => false);
 seq | path_id | path_seq | start_vid | end_vid | node | edge | cost | agg_cost | route_agg_cost
   1 |       1 |        1 |        -4 |      -3 |   -4 |    6 |  0.7 |        0 |              0
   2 |       1 |        2 |        -4 |      -3 |    3 |    7 |    1 |      0.7 |            0.7
   3 |       1 |        3 |        -4 |      -3 |    7 |   10 |    1 |      1.7 |            1.7
   4 |       1 |        4 |        -4 |      -3 |    8 |   12 |  0.6 |      2.7 |            2.7
   5 |       1 |        5 |        -4 |      -3 |   -3 |   -1 |    0 |      3.3 |            3.3
   6 |       2 |        1 |        -3 |      -6 |   -3 |   12 |  0.4 |        0 |            3.3
   7 |       2 |        2 |        -3 |      -6 |   12 |   13 |    1 |      0.4 |            3.7
   8 |       2 |        3 |        -3 |      -6 |   17 |   15 |    1 |      1.4 |            4.7
   9 |       2 |        4 |        -3 |      -6 |   16 |    9 |    1 |      2.4 |            5.7
  10 |       2 |        5 |        -3 |      -6 |   11 |    8 |    1 |      3.4 |            6.7
  11 |       2 |        6 |        -3 |      -6 |    7 |    4 |  0.3 |      4.4 |            7.7
  12 |       2 |        7 |        -3 |      -6 |   -6 |   -2 |    0 |      4.7 |              8
(12 rows)

  • The types casting has been removed.

  • Do not show details, as the deprecated function does not show details.

  • pgr_withPointsVia - Proposed:

    • Autodetects if reverse_cost column is in the edges SQL.

    • Accepts ANY-INTEGER on integral types

    • Accepts ANY-NUMERICAL on floating point types

    • directed flag has a default value of true.

      • Use the same value that on the original query.

      • In this example it is true which is the default value.

        • The flag has been omitted and the default is been used.

    • On the points query do not include the side column.

When the need of using strictly the same (meaningless) names and types, and node values of the function been migrated then:

SELECT row_number() over(ORDER BY seq) AS seq,
path_id::INTEGER AS id1, node::INTEGER AS id2,
CASE WHEN edge >= 0 THEN edge::INTEGER ELSE -1 END AS id3, cost::FLOAT
FROM pgr_withPointsVia(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1, 6, 0.3),(2, 12, 0.6),(3, 4, 0.7)) AS t(pid, edge_id, fraction)$$,
  ARRAY[-1, -2, -3],
  details=> false);
 seq | id1 | id2 | id3 | cost
   1 |   1 |  -1 |   6 |  0.7
   2 |   1 |   3 |   7 |    1
   3 |   1 |   7 |  10 |    1
   4 |   1 |   8 |  12 |  0.6
   5 |   1 |  -2 |  -1 |    0
   6 |   2 |  -2 |  12 |  0.4
   7 |   2 |  12 |  13 |    1
   8 |   2 |  17 |  15 |    1
   9 |   2 |  16 |   9 |    1
  10 |   2 |  11 |   8 |    1
  11 |   2 |   7 |   4 |  0.3
  12 |   2 |  -3 |  -1 |    0
(12 rows)

  • id1 is the path identifier

  • id2 is the node

  • id3 is the edge

Migrating pgr_trspViaEdges using pgr_trspVia_withPoints

The following query has restrictions.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trspViaEdges(
  $$SELECT id::INTEGER, source::INTEGER, target::INTEGER, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  ARRAY[6, 12, 4], ARRAY[0.3, 0.6, 0.7],
  true, true,
  $$SELECT to_cost, target_id::INTEGER, via_path FROM old_restrictions$$);
WARNING:  pgr_trspViaEdges(text,integer[],float[],boolean,boolean,text) deprecated on v3.4.0
WARNING:  pgr_trsp(text,integer,float,integer,float,boolean,boolean) deprecated on v3.4.0
WARNING:  pgr_trsp(text,integer,float,integer,float,boolean,boolean) deprecated on v3.4.0
 seq | id1 | id2 | id3 | cost
   1 |   1 |  -1 |   6 |  0.7
   2 |   1 |   3 |   7 |    1
   3 |   1 |   7 |   8 |    1
   4 |   1 |  11 |   9 |    1
   5 |   1 |  16 |  16 |    1
   6 |   1 |  15 |   3 |    1
   7 |   1 |  10 |   2 |    1
   8 |   1 |   6 |   4 |    1
   9 |   1 |   7 |  10 |    1
  10 |   1 |   8 |  12 |    1
  11 |   2 |  12 |  13 |    1
  12 |   2 |  17 |  15 |    1
  13 |   2 |  16 |   9 |    1
  14 |   2 |  11 |   8 |    1
  15 |   2 |   7 |   4 |  0.3
(15 rows)

  • A message about deprecation is shown

    • Deprecated functions will be removed on the next mayor version 4.0.0

  • The restrictions are the last parameter of the function

    • Using the old structure of restrictions

Use pgr_trspVia_withPoints - Proposed instead.

SELECT * FROM pgr_trspVia_withPoints(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM new_restrictions$$,
  $$SELECT pid, edge_id, fraction FROM pointsOfInterest WHERE pid IN (3, 4, 6)$$,
  ARRAY[-4, -3, -6],
  details => false);
 seq | path_id | path_seq | start_vid | end_vid | node | edge | cost | agg_cost | route_agg_cost
   1 |       1 |        1 |        -4 |      -3 |   -4 |    6 |  0.7 |        0 |              0
   2 |       1 |        2 |        -4 |      -3 |    3 |    7 |    1 |      0.7 |            0.7
   3 |       1 |        3 |        -4 |      -3 |    7 |    4 |  0.6 |      1.7 |            1.7
   4 |       1 |        4 |        -4 |      -3 |    7 |   10 |    1 |      2.3 |            2.3
   5 |       1 |        5 |        -4 |      -3 |    8 |   12 |  0.6 |      3.3 |            3.3
   6 |       1 |        6 |        -4 |      -3 |   -3 |   -1 |    0 |      3.9 |            3.9
   7 |       2 |        1 |        -3 |      -6 |   -3 |   12 |  0.4 |        0 |            3.9
   8 |       2 |        2 |        -3 |      -6 |   12 |   13 |    1 |      0.4 |            4.3
   9 |       2 |        3 |        -3 |      -6 |   17 |   15 |    1 |      1.4 |            5.3
  10 |       2 |        4 |        -3 |      -6 |   16 |    9 |    1 |      2.4 |            6.3
  11 |       2 |        5 |        -3 |      -6 |   11 |    8 |    1 |      3.4 |            7.3
  12 |       2 |        6 |        -3 |      -6 |    7 |    4 |  0.3 |      4.4 |            8.3
  13 |       2 |        7 |        -3 |      -6 |   -6 |   -2 |    0 |      4.7 |            8.6
(13 rows)

  • The new structure of restrictions is been used.

    • It is the second parameter.

  • The types casting has been removed.

  • Do not show details, as the deprecated function does not show details.

  • pgr_trspVia_withPoints - Proposed:

    • Autodetects if reverse_cost column is in the edges SQL.

    • Accepts ANY-INTEGER on integral types

    • Accepts ANY-NUMERICAL on floating point types

    • directed flag has a default value of true.

      • Use the same value that on the original query.

      • In this example it is true which is the default value.

        • The flag has been omitted and the default is been used.

    • On the points query do not include the side column.

When the need of using strictly the same (meaningless) names and types, and node values of the function been migrated then:

SELECT row_number() over(ORDER BY seq) AS seq,
path_id::INTEGER AS id1, node::INTEGER AS id2,
CASE WHEN edge >= 0 THEN edge::INTEGER ELSE -1 END AS id3, cost::FLOAT
FROM pgr_trspVia_withPoints(
  $$SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM new_restrictions$$,
  $$SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1, 6, 0.3),(2, 12, 0.6),(3, 4, 0.7)) AS t(pid, edge_id, fraction)$$,
  ARRAY[-1, -2, -3],
  details => false);
 seq | id1 | id2 | id3 | cost
   1 |   1 |  -1 |   6 |  0.7
   2 |   1 |   3 |   7 |    1
   3 |   1 |   7 |   4 |  0.6
   4 |   1 |   7 |  10 |    1
   5 |   1 |   8 |  12 |  0.6
   6 |   1 |  -2 |  -1 |    0
   7 |   2 |  -2 |  12 |  0.4
   8 |   2 |  12 |  13 |    1
   9 |   2 |  17 |  15 |    1
  10 |   2 |  16 |   9 |    1
  11 |   2 |  11 |   8 |    1
  12 |   2 |   7 |   4 |  0.3
  13 |   2 |  -3 |  -1 |    0
(13 rows)

  • id1 is the path identifier

  • id2 is the node

  • id3 is the edge

See Also

Indices and tables