pgRouting Manual (2.0.0)

Developer’s Guide

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Developer’s Guide


All documentation should be in reStructuredText format. See: <> for introductory docs.

Source Tree Layout

cmake scripts used as part of our build system.
This is the algorithm source tree. Each algorithm should be contained in its on sub-tree with doc, sql, src, and test sub-directories. This might get renamed to “algorithms” at some point.
This is an implementation of A* Search based on using Boost Graph libraries for its implementation. This is a Dijkstra shortest path implementation with a Euclidean Heuristic.
At the moment this does not have an core in “src”, but does have a lot of SQL wrapper code and topology code in the “sql” directory. Algorithm specific wrappers should get move to the algorithm tree and appropriate tests should get added to validate the wrappers.
This is an implementation of Dikjstra’s shortest path solution using Boost Graph libraries for the implementation.
This optional package creates driving distance polygons based on solving a Dijkstra shortest path solution, then creating polygons based on equal cost distances from the start point. This optional package requires CGAL libraries to be installed.
DEPRECATED and DOES NOT WORK and IS BEING REMOVED This is an edge based shortest path algorithm that supports turn restrictions. It is based on Boost Graph. Do NOT use this algorithm as it is broken, instead use trsp which has the same functionality and is faster and give correct results.
This is a turn restricted shortest path algorithm. It has some nice features like you can specify the start and end points as a percentage along an edge. Restrictions are stored in a separate table from the graph edges and this make it easier to manage the data.
This optional package provides the ability to compute traveling salesman problem solutions and compute the resulting route. This optional package requires GAUL libaries to be installed.
Miscellaneous scripts and tools.
This is the output directory where compiled libraries and installation targets are staged before installation.

Documentation Layout

As noted above all documentation should be done using reStructuredText formated files.

Documentation is distributed into the source tree. This top level “doc” directory is intended for high level documentation cover subjects like:

  • Compiling and testing
  • Installation
  • Tutorials
  • Users’ Guide front materials
  • Reference Manual front materials
  • etc

Since the algorithm specific documentation is contained in the source tree with the algorithm specific files, the process of building the documentation and publishing it will need to assemble the details with the front material as needed.

Also, to keep the “doc” directory from getting cluttered, each major book like those listed above, should be contained in a separate directory under “doc”. Any images or other materials related to the book should also be kept in that directory.

Testing Infrastructure

There is a very basic testing infrastructure put in place. Here are the basics of how it works. We need more test cases. Longer term we should probably get someone to setup travis-ci or jenkins testing frameworks.

Here is the graph for the TRSP tests.


Tests are run via the script at the top level tools/ and it runs all the test configured tests and at the moment just dumps the results structure of the test. This can be prettied up later.

It also assumes that you have installed the libraries as it tests using the installed postgresql. This probably needs to be made smarter so we can test out of the build tree. I’ll need to think about that.

Basically each .../test/ directory should include one test.conf file that is a perl script fragment that defines what data files to load and what tests to run. I have built in some mechanisms to allow test and data to be pg version and postgis version specific, but I’m not using that yet. So for example, core/trsp/test/ is a sql plain text dump that will load and needed data for a set of tests. This is also the graph in the image above. You can specify multiple files to load, but as a group they need to have unique names.

core/trsp/test/test-any-00.test is a sql command to be run. It will get run as:

psql ... -A -t -q -f file.test dbname > tmpfile
diff -w tmpfile

Then if there is a difference then an test failure is reported.

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