pgRouting Manual (2.0.0)

Build Guide

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Build Guide

To be able to compile pgRouting make sure that the following dependencies are met:

The cmake system has variables the can be configured via the command line options by setting them with -D<varable>=<value>. You can get a listing of these via:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -L ..

Currently these are:


These also show the current or default values based on our development system. So your values my be different. In general the ones that are of most interest are:

WITH_DD:BOOL=ON – Turn on/off building driving distance code. WITH_DOC:BOOL=OFF – Turn on/off building the documentation BUILD_HTML:BOOL=ON – If WITH_DOC=ON, turn on/off building HTML BUILD_LATEX:BOOL=OFF – If WITH_DOC=ON, turn on/off building PDF BUILD_MAN:BOOL=ON – If WITH_DOC=ON, turn on/off building MAN pages

To change any of these add -D<variable>=<value> to the cmake lines below. For example to turn on documentation, your cmake command might look like:

cmake -DWITH_DOC=ON ..   # Turn on the doc with default settings
cmake -DWITH_DOC=ON -DBUILD_LATEX ..  # Turn on doc and pdf

If you turn on the documentation, you also need to add the doc target to the make command.

make          # build the code but not the doc
make doc      # build only the doc
make all doc  # build both the code and the doc

For MinGW on Windows

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G"MSYS Makefiles" ..
make install

For Linux

mkdir build
cd build
cmake  ..
sudo make install

With Documentation

Build with documentation (requires Sphinx):

    cmake -DWITH_DOC=ON ..
make all doc

Rebuild modified documentation only:

sphinx-build -b html -c build/doc/_build -d build/doc/_doctrees . build/html

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