pgRouting Manual (2.2)


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pgr_vidsToDMatrix - Creates a distances matrix from an array of vertex_id.


This is a proposed function

  • Is not officially in the release.
  • Name could change.
  • Signature could change.
  • Needs testing.
  • Functionality could change.


This function takes an array of vertex_id, the original array of points used to generate the array of vertex_id, an edge table name and a tol. It then computes kdijkstra() distances for each vertex to all the other vertices and creates a symmetric distance matrix suitable for TSP. The pnt array and the tol are used to establish a BBOX for limiting selection of edges. The extents of the points is expanded by tol.

The function returns:

  • record - with two fields as describe here
    • dmatrix:float8[] - the distance matrix suitable to pass to pgrTSP() function.
    • ids:integer[] - an array of ids for the distance matrix.
record pgr_vidsToDMatrix(IN vids integer[], IN pnts geometry[], IN edges text, tol float8 DEFAULT(0.1), OUT dmatrix double precision[], OUT ids integer[])



vids:integer[] - An array of vertex_id.
pnts:geometry[] - An array of point geometries that approximates the extents of the vertex_id.
edges:text - The edge table to be used for the conversion.
tol:float8 - The amount to expand the BBOX extents of pnts when building the graph.


  • we compute a symmetric matrix because TSP requires that so the distances are better the Euclidean but but are not perfect
  • kdijkstra() can fail to find a path between some of the vertex ids. We to not detect this other than the cost might get set to -1.0, so the dmatrix shoule be checked for this as it makes it invalid for TSP


  • Proposed in version 2.1.0


This example uses existing data of points.

SELECT * FROM pgr_vidstodmatrix(
    ARRAY(select the_geom FROM edge_table_vertices_pgr WHERE id in (1,2,3,5)),
                  dmatrix                  |    ids    
 {{0,1,4,2},{1,0,3,1},{4,3,0,2},{2,1,2,0}} | {1,2,3,5}
(1 row)
This example uses points that are not part of the graph.
SELECT * FROM pgr_vidstodmatrix(
    pgr_pointstovids(pgr_texttopoints('2,0;2,1;3,1;2,2', 0), 'edge_table'),
    pgr_texttopoints('2,0;2,1;3,1;2,2', 0),
                  dmatrix                  |    ids    
 {{0,1,4,2},{1,0,3,1},{4,3,0,2},{2,1,2,0}} | {1,2,3,5}
(1 row)

This example shows how this can be used in the context of feeding the results into pgr_tsp() function.

SELECT * FROM pgr_tsp(
    (SELECT dMatrix FROM pgr_vidstodmatrix(
        pgr_pointstovids(pgr_texttopoints('2,0;2,1;3,1;2,2', 0), 'edge_table'),
        pgr_texttopoints('2,0;2,1;3,1;2,2', 0),
 seq | id 
   0 |  1
   1 |  2
   2 |  3
   3 |  0
(4 rows)

This example uses the Sample Data network.

See Also

Indices and tables

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