Dictionary of columns & Custom Query¶
path: | a sequence of vertices/edges from A to B. |
route: | a sequence of paths. |
ANY-INTEGER: | Any of the following types: SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT |
Custom Queries¶
Edges queries¶
Columns of the edges_sql queries¶
Depending on the function used the following columns are expected
Column | Type | Default | Description |
id | ANY-INTEGER | Identifier of the edge. | |
source | ANY-INTEGER | Identifier of the first end point vertex of the edge. | |
target | ANY-INTEGER | Identifier of the second end point vertex of the edge. | |
reverse_cost | ANY-NUMERICAL | -1 |
Description of the edges_sql query¶
edges_sql: | an SQL query, which should return a set of rows with the following columns:
ANY-INTEGER: | smallint, int, bigint |
ANY-NUMERICAL: | smallint, int, bigint, real, float |
Description of the parameters of the signatures¶
edges_sql: | TEXT SQL query as described above. |
start_vid: | BIGINT identifier of the starting vertex of the path. |
start_vids: | array[ANY-INTEGER] array of identifiers of starting vertices. |
end_vid: | BIGINT identifier of the ending vertex of the path. |
end_vids: | array[ANY-INTEGER] array of identifiers of ending vertices. |
directed: | boolean (optional). When false the graph is considered as Undirected. Default is true which considers the graph as Directed. |
Description of the return values¶
Returns set of (seq [, start_vid] [, end_vid] , node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
seq: | INTEGER is a sequential value starting from 1. |
route_seq: | INTEGER relative position in the route. Has value 1 for the beginning of a route. |
route_id: | INTEGER id of the route. |
path_seq: | INTEGER relative position in the path. Has value 1 for the beginning of a path. |
path_id: | INTEGER id of the path. |
start_vid: | BIGINT id of the starting vertex. Used when multiple starting vetrices are in the query. |
end_vid: | BIGINT id of the ending vertex. Used when multiple ending vertices are in the query. |
node: | BIGINT id of the node in the path from start_vid to end_v. |
edge: | BIGINT id of the edge used to go from node to the next node in the path sequence. -1 for the last node of the path. |
cost: | FLOAT cost to traverse from node using edge to the next node in the path sequence. |
agg_cost: | FLOAT total cost from start_vid to node. |
Descriptions for version 2.0 signatures¶
In general, the routing algorithms need an SQL query that contain one or more of the following required columns with the preferred type:
id: | int4 |
source: | int4 |
target: | int4 |
cost: | float8 |
reverse_cost: | float8 |
x: | float8 |
y: | float8 |
x1: | float8 |
y1: | float8 |
x2: | float8 |
y2: | float8 |
SELECT source, target, cost FROM edge_table;
SELECT id, source, target, cost FROM edge_table;
SELECT id, source, target, cost, x1, y1, x2, y2 ,reverse_cost FROM edge_table
When the edge table has a different name to represent the required columns:
SELECT src as source, target, cost FROM othertable;
SELECT gid as id, src as source, target, cost FROM othertable;
SELECT gid as id, src as source, target, cost, fromX as x1, fromY as y1, toX as x2, toY as y2 ,Rcost as reverse_cost
FROM othertable;
The topology functions use the same names for id, source and target columns of the edge table, The fowllowing parameters have as default value:
id: | int4 Default id |
source: | int4 Default source |
target: | int4 Default target |
the_geom: | text Default the_geom |
oneway: | text Default oneway |
rows_where: | text Default true to indicate all rows (this is not a column) |
The following parameters do not have a default value and when used they have to be inserted in strict order:
edge_table: | text |
tolerance: | float8 |
s_in_rules: | text[] |
s_out_rules: | text[] |
t_in_rules: | text[] |
t_out_rules: | text[] |
When the columns required have the default names this can be used (pgr_func is to represent a topology function)
pgr_func('edge_table') -- when tolerance is not required
pgr_func('edge_table',0.001) -- when tolerance is required
-- s_in_rule, s_out_rule, st_in_rules, t_out_rules are required
SELECT pgr_analyzeOneway('edge_table', ARRAY['', 'B', 'TF'], ARRAY['', 'B', 'FT'],
ARRAY['', 'B', 'FT'], ARRAY['', 'B', 'TF'])
When the columns required do not have the default names its strongly recommended to use the named notation.
pgr_func('othertable', id:='gid',source:='src',the_geom:='mygeom')
SELECT pgr_analyzeOneway('othertable', ARRAY['', 'B', 'TF'], ARRAY['', 'B', 'FT'],
ARRAY['', 'B', 'FT'], ARRAY['', 'B', 'TF']