Todo List
Module deque like functions
TODO more deque like functions here
Module deque like functions
TODO more deque like functions here
Member pgrouting::vrp::Order::m_compatibleJ
  • compatibility changes based on the speed this is not taking that into account (here)
  • check where is it talking that into account
Member pgrouting::vrp::Vehicle::erase (const Vehicle_node &node)
TODO evaluate with matrix also
Member pgrouting::vrp::Vehicle_node::evaluate (double cargoLimit)
TODO evaluate with matrix also

(Rohith) practice a little graphviz :)

(Rohith) add the id of each edge to the image

(Rohith): add the id of each edge to the image, put a color to the dead end vertices

(Rohith) add the id of each edge to the image, put a color to the linear vertices