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Dijkstra - Family of functions



Proposed functions for next mayor release.

  • They are not officially in the current release.
  • They will likely officially be part of the next mayor release:
    • The functions make use of ANY-INTEGER and ANY-NUMERICAL
    • Name might not change. (But still can)
    • Signature might not change. (But still can)
    • Functionality might not change. (But still can)
    • pgTap tests have being done. But might need more.
    • Documentation might need refinement.

The problem definition (Advanced documentation)

Given the following query:


where sql={(idi,sourcei,targeti,costi,reverse_costi)}


  • source=sourcei,
  • target=targeti,

The graphs are defined as follows:

Directed graph

The weighted directed graph, Gd(V,E), is definied by:

  • the set of vertices V
    • V=sourcetargetstartvidendvid
  • the set of edges E
    • E={ {(sourcei,targeti,costi) when cost>=0}if reverse_cost=    {(sourcei,targeti,costi) when cost>=0} {(targeti,sourcei,reverse_costi) when reverse_costi>=0}if reverse_cost

Undirected graph

The weighted undirected graph, Gu(V,E), is definied by:

  • the set of vertices V
    • V=sourcetargetstartvvidendvid
  • the set of edges E
    • E={ {(sourcei,targeti,costi) when cost>=0} {(targeti,sourcei,costi) when cost>=0} if reverse_cost=    {(sourcei,targeti,costi) when cost>=0} {(targeti,sourcei,costi) when cost>=0} {(targeti,sourcei,reverse_costi) when reverse_costi>=0)} {(sourcei,targeti,reverse_costi) when reverse_costi>=0)} if reverse_cost

The problem


  • startvidV a starting vertex
  • endvidV an ending vertex
  • G(V,E)={Gd(V,E) if6 directed=trueGu(V,E) if5 directed=false


  • \boldsymbol{\pi} = \{(path\_seq_i, node_i, edge_i, cost_i, agg\_cost_i)\}
  • path\_seq_i = i
  • path\_seq_{| \pi |} = | \pi |
  • node_i \in V
  • node_1 = start_{vid}
  • node_{| \pi |} = end_{vid}
  • \forall i \neq | \pi |, \quad (node_i, node_{i+1}, cost_i) \in E
  • edge_i = \begin{cases} id_{(node_i, node_{i+1},cost_i)} &\quad \text{when } i \neq | \pi | \\ -1 &\quad \text{when } i = | \pi | \\ \end{cases}
  • cost_i = cost_{(node_i, node_{i+1})}
  • agg\_cost_i = \begin{cases} 0 &\quad \text{when } i = 1 \\ \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{i} cost_{(node_{k-1}, node_k)} &\quad \text{when } i \neq 1 \\ \end{cases}
In other words: The algorithm returns a the shortest path between start_{vid} and end_{vid} , if it exists, in terms of a sequence of nodes and of edges,
  • path\_seq indicates the relative position in the path of the node or edge.
  • cost is the cost of the edge to be used to go to the next node.
  • agg\_cost is the cost from the start_{vid} up to the node.

If there is no path, the resulting set is empty.

See Also

Indices and tables