Unsupported versions:2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0
— Builds a network topology based on the geometry information.
The function returns:
after the network topology has been built and the vertices table created.FAIL
when the network topology was not built due to an error.
varchar pgr_createTopology(text edge_table, double precision tolerance,
text the_geom:='the_geom', text id:='id',
text source:='source',text target:='target',
text rows_where:='true', boolean clean:=false)
The topology creation function accepts the following parameters:
edge_table: | text Network table name. (may contain the schema name AS well) |
tolerance: | float8 Snapping tolerance of disconnected edges. (in projection unit) |
the_geom: | text Geometry column name of the network table. Default value is the_geom . |
id: | text Primary key column name of the network table. Default value is id . |
source: | text Source column name of the network table. Default value is source . |
target: | text Target column name of the network table. Default value is target . |
rows_where: | text Condition to SELECT a subset or rows. Default value is true to indicate
all rows that where source or target have a null value, otherwise the condition is used. |
clean: | boolean Clean any previous topology. Default value is false . |
The edge_table
will be affected
column values will change.The
column values will change.An index will be created, if it doesn’t exists, to speed up the process to the following columns:
The function returns:
after the network topology has been built.
- Creates a vertices table: <edge_table>_vertices_pgr.
- Fills
columns of the vertices table.- Fills the source and target columns of the edge table referencing the
of the vertices table.FAIL
when the network topology was not built due to an error:
- A required column of the Network table is not found or is not of the appropriate type.
- The condition is not well formed.
- The names of source , target or id are the same.
- The SRID of the geometry could not be determined.
The Vertices Table
The vertices table is a requirment of the pgr_analyzeGraph and the pgr_analyzeOneway functions.
The structure of the vertices table is:
id: | bigint Identifier of the vertex. |
cnt: | integer Number of vertices in the edge_table that reference this vertex. See pgr_analyzeGraph. |
chk: | integer Indicator that the vertex might have a problem. See pgr_analyzeGraph. |
ein: | integer Number of vertices in the edge_table that reference this vertex AS incoming. See pgr_analyzeOneway. |
eout: | integer Number of vertices in the edge_table that reference this vertex AS outgoing. See pgr_analyzeOneway. |
the_geom: | geometry Point geometry of the vertex. |
- Renamed in version 2.0.0
Usage when the edge table’s columns MATCH the default values:¶
The simplest way to use pgr_createtopology is:
SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.001);
When the arguments are given in the order described in the parameters:
SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.001,'the_geom','id','source','target');
We get the same result AS the simplest way to use the function.
of the table ege_table
is passed to the function AS the geometry column, and the geometry column the_geom
is passed to the function AS the id column.SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.001,'id','the_geom','source','target');
When using the named notation
The order of the parameters do not matter:
SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.001,the_geom:='the_geom',id:='id',source:='source',target:='target');
SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.001,source:='source',id:='id',target:='target',the_geom:='the_geom');
Parameters defined with a default value can be omited, AS long AS the value matches the default:
SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.001,source:='source');
Selecting rows using rows_where parameter
Selecting rows based on the id.
SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.001,rows_where:='id < 10');
Selecting the rows where the geometry is near the geometry of row with id
=5 .
SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.001,rows_where:='the_geom && (SELECT st_buffer(the_geom,0.05) FROM edge_table WHERE id=5)');
Selecting the rows where the geometry is near the geometry of the row with gid
=100 of the table othertable
CREATE TABLE otherTable AS (SELECT 100 AS gid, st_point(2.5,2.5) AS other_geom);
SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.001,rows_where:='the_geom && (SELECT st_buffer(other_geom,1) FROM otherTable WHERE gid=100)');
Usage when the edge table’s columns DO NOT MATCH the default values:¶
For the following table
CREATE TABLE mytable AS (SELECT id AS gid, the_geom AS mygeom,source AS src ,target AS tgt FROM edge_table) ;
Using positional notation:
The arguments need to be given in the order described in the parameters:
SELECT pgr_createTopology('mytable',0.001,'mygeom','gid','src','tgt');
of the table mytable
is passed to the function AS the geometry column, and the geometry column mygeom
is passed to the function AS the id column.SELECT pgr_createTopology('mytable',0.001,'gid','mygeom','src','tgt');
When using the named notation
The order of the parameters do not matter:
SELECT pgr_createTopology('mytable',0.001,the_geom:='mygeom',id:='gid',source:='src',target:='tgt');
SELECT pgr_createTopology('mytable',0.001,source:='src',id:='gid',target:='tgt',the_geom:='mygeom');
In this scenario omitting a parameter would create an error because the default values for the column names do not match the column names of the table.
Selecting rows using rows_where parameter
Selecting rows based on the id.
SELECT pgr_createTopology('mytable',0.001,'mygeom','gid','src','tgt',rows_where:='gid < 10');
SELECT pgr_createTopology('mytable',0.001,source:='src',id:='gid',target:='tgt',the_geom:='mygeom',rows_where:='gid < 10');
Selecting the rows where the geometry is near the geometry of row with id
=5 .
SELECT pgr_createTopology('mytable',0.001,'mygeom','gid','src','tgt',
rows_where:='mygeom && (SELECT st_buffer(mygeom,1) FROM mytable WHERE gid=5)');
SELECT pgr_createTopology('mytable',0.001,source:='src',id:='gid',target:='tgt',the_geom:='mygeom',
rows_where:='mygeom && (SELECT st_buffer(mygeom,1) FROM mytable WHERE gid=5)');
Selecting the rows where the geometry is near the geometry of the row with gid
=100 of the table othertable
CREATE TABLE otherTable AS (SELECT 100 AS gid, st_point(2.5,2.5) AS other_geom) ;
SELECT pgr_createTopology('mytable',0.001,'mygeom','gid','src','tgt',
rows_where:='mygeom && (SELECT st_buffer(other_geom,1) FROM otherTable WHERE gid=100)');
SELECT pgr_createTopology('mytable',0.001,source:='src',id:='gid',target:='tgt',the_geom:='mygeom',
rows_where:='mygeom && (SELECT st_buffer(other_geom,1) FROM otherTable WHERE gid=100)');
SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table', 0.001,rows_where:='id<10');
NOTICE: pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.0001,'the_geom','id','source','target','id<10')
NOTICE: Performing checks, pelase wait .....
NOTICE: Creating Topology, Please wait...
NOTICE: -------------> TOPOLOGY CREATED FOR 9 edges
NOTICE: Rows with NULL geometry or NULL id: 0
NOTICE: Vertices table for table public.edge_table is: public.edge_table_vertices_pgr
(1 row)
SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table', 0.001);
NOTICE: pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.0001,'the_geom','id','source','target','true')
NOTICE: Performing checks, pelase wait .....
NOTICE: Creating Topology, Please wait...
NOTICE: -------------> TOPOLOGY CREATED FOR 18 edges
NOTICE: Rows with NULL geometry or NULL id: 0
NOTICE: Vertices table for table public.edge_table is: public.edge_table_vertices_pgr
(1 row)
The example uses the Sample Data network.
See Also¶
- Routing Topology for an overview of a topology for routing algorithms.
- pgr_createVerticesTable to reconstruct the vertices table based on the source and target information.
- pgr_analyzeGraph to analyze the edges and vertices of the edge table.