Unsupported versions:2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0
Release Notes¶
To see the full list of changes check the list of Git commits on Github.
Table of contents¶
- pgRouting 2.3.2 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.3.1 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.3.0 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.2.4 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.2.3 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.2.2 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.2.1 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.2.0 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.1.0 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.0.1 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.0.0 Release Notes
- pgRouting 1.x Release Notes
pgRouting 2.3.2 Release Notes¶
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.3.2 on Github.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw crash when all orders fit on one truck.
- Fixed pgr_trsp:
- Alternate code is not executed when the point is in reality a vertex
- Fixed ambiguity on seq
pgRouting 2.3.1 Release Notes¶
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.3.1 on Github.
Bug Fixes
- Leaks on proposed max_flow functions
- Regression error on pgr_trsp
- Types discrepancy on pgr_createVerticesTable
pgRouting 2.3.0 Release Notes¶
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.3.0 on Github.
New Signatures
Indentifiers can be ANY-INTEGER and costs can be ANY-NUMERICAL
- pgr_TSP
- pgr_aStar
New Functions
- pgr_eucledianTSP
New Proposed functions
- pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix
- pgr_withPointsCostMatrix
- pgr_maxFlowPushRelabel
- pgr_maxFlowEdmondsKarp
- pgr_maxFlowBoykovKolmogorov
- pgr_maximumCardinalityMatching
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths
- pgr_contractGraph
Deprecated Signatures
- pgr_tsp - use pgr_TSP or pgr_eucledianTSP instead
- pgr_astar - use pgr_aStar instead
Deprecated Functions
- pgr_flip_edges
- pgr_vidsToDmatrix
- pgr_pointsToDMatrix
- pgr_textToPoints
pgRouting 2.2.4 Release Notes¶
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.2.4 on Github.
Bug Fixes
- Bogus uses of extern “C”
- Build error on Fedora 24 + GCC 6.0
- Regression error pgr_nodeNetwork
pgRouting 2.2.3 Release Notes¶
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.2.3 on Github.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed compatibility issues with PostgreSQL 9.6.
pgRouting 2.2.2 Release Notes¶
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.2.2 on Github.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed regression error on pgr_drivingDistance
pgRouting 2.2.1 Release Notes¶
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.2.1 on Github.
Bug Fixes
- Server crash fix on pgr_alphaShape
- Bug fix on With Points family of functions
pgRouting 2.2.0 Release Notes¶
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.2.0 on Github.
- pgr_nodeNetwork
- Adding a row_where and outall optional parameters
- Signature fix
- pgr_dijkstra – to match what is documented
New Functions
- pgr_floydWarshall
- pgr_Johnson
- pgr_DijkstraCost
Proposed functionality
- pgr_withPoints
- pgr_withPointsCost
- pgr_withPointsDD
- pgr_withPointsKSP
- pgr_dijkstraVia
Deprecated functions:
- pgr_apspWarshall use pgr_floydWarshall instead
- pgr_apspJohnson use pgr_Johnson instead
- pgr_kDijkstraCost use pgr_dijkstraCost instead
- pgr_kDijkstraPath use pgr_dijkstra instead
pgRouting 2.1.0 Release Notes¶
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.1.0 on Github.
- pgr_dijkstra
- pgr_ksp
- pgr_drivingDistance
- Alphashape function now can generate better (multi)polygon with holes and alpha parameter.
Proposed functionality
- Proposed functions from Steve Woodbridge, (Classified as Convenience by the author.)
- pgr_pointToEdgeNode - convert a point geometry to a vertex_id based on closest edge.
- pgr_flipEdges - flip the edges in an array of geometries so the connect end to end.
- pgr_textToPoints - convert a string of x,y;x,y;... locations into point geometries.
- pgr_pointsToVids - convert an array of point geometries into vertex ids.
- pgr_pointsToDMatrix - Create a distance matrix from an array of points.
- pgr_vidsToDMatrix - Create a distance matrix from an array of vertix_id.
- pgr_vidsToDMatrix - Create a distance matrix from an array of vertix_id.
- Added proposed functions from GSoc Projects:
- pgr_vrppdtw
No longer supported
- Removed the 1.x legacy functions
Bug Fixes
- Some bug fixes in other functions
Refactoring Internal Code
- A C and C++ library for developer was created
- encapsulates postgreSQL related functions
- encapsulates Boost.Graph graphs
- Directed Boost.Graph
- Undirected Boost.graph.
- allow any-integer in the id’s
- allow any-numerical on the cost/reverse_cost columns
- Instead of generating many libraries: - All functions are encapsulated in one library - The library has a the prefix 2-1-0
pgRouting 2.0.0 Release Notes¶
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.0.0 on Github.
With the release of pgRouting 2.0.0 the library has abandoned backwards compatibility to pgRouting 1.x releases. The main Goals for this release are:
- Major restructuring of pgRouting.
- Standardiziation of the function naming
- Prepararation of the project for future development.
As a result of this effort:
- pgRouting has a simplified structure
- Significant new functionality has being added
- Documentation has being integrated
- Testing has being integrated
- And made it easier for multiple developers to make contributions.
Important Changes
- Graph Analytics - tools for detecting and fixing connection some problems in a graph
- A collection of useful utility functions
- Two new All Pairs Short Path algorithms (pgr_apspJohnson, pgr_apspWarshall)
- Bi-directional Dijkstra and A-star search algorithms (pgr_bdAstar, pgr_bdDijkstra)
- One to many nodes search (pgr_kDijkstra)
- K alternate paths shortest path (pgr_ksp)
- New TSP solver that simplifies the code and the build process (pgr_tsp), dropped “Gaul Library” dependency
- Turn Restricted shortest path (pgr_trsp) that replaces Shooting Star
- Dropped support for Shooting Star
- Built a test infrastructure that is run before major code changes are checked in
- Tested and fixed most all of the outstanding bugs reported against 1.x that existing in the 2.0-dev code base.
- Improved build process for Windows
- Automated testing on Linux and Windows platforms trigger by every commit
- Modular library design
- Compatibility with PostgreSQL 9.1 or newer
- Compatibility with PostGIS 2.0 or newer
- Installs as PostgreSQL EXTENSION
- Return types refactored and unified
- Support for table SCHEMA in function parameters
- Support for st_ PostGIS function prefix
- Added pgr_ prefix to functions and types
- Better documentation: http://docs.pgrouting.org
pgRouting 1.x Release Notes¶
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 1.x on Github. The following release notes have been copied from the previous RELEASE_NOTES file and are kept as a reference.
Changes for release 1.05¶
- Bugfixes
Changes for release 1.03¶
- Much faster topology creation
- Bugfixes
Changes for release 1.02¶
- Shooting* bugfixes
- Compilation problems solved
Changes for release 1.01¶
- Shooting* bugfixes
Changes for release 1.0¶
- Core and extra functions are separated
- Cmake build process
- Bugfixes
Changes for release 1.0.0b¶
- Additional SQL file with more simple names for wrapper functions
- Bugfixes
Changes for release 1.0.0a¶
- Shooting* shortest path algorithm for real road networks
- Several SQL bugs were fixed
Changes for release 0.9.9¶
- PostgreSQL 8.2 support
- Shortest path functions return empty result if they couldn’t find any path
Changes for release 0.9.8¶
- Renumbering scheme was added to shortest path functions
- Directed shortest path functions were added
- routing_postgis.sql was modified to use dijkstra in TSP search