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Bidirectional Dijkstra - Family of functions


Based on Dijkstra’s algorithm, the bidirectional search finds a shortest path a starting vertex (start_vid) to an ending vertex (end_vid). It runs two simultaneous searches: one forward from the source, and one backward from the target, stopping when the two meet in the middle. This implementation can be used with a directed graph and an undirected graph.


The main Characteristics are:

  • Process is done only on edges with positive costs.
  • Values are returned when there is a path.
  • When the starting vertex and ending vertex are the same, there is no path.
    • The agg_cost the non included values (v, v) is 0
  • When the starting vertex and ending vertex are the different and there is no path:
    • The agg_cost the non included values (u, v) is
  • Running time (worse case scenario): O((VlogV+E))
  • For large graphs where there is a path bewtween the starting vertex and ending vertex:
    • It is expected to terminate faster than pgr_dijkstra

See Also

Indices and tables