Versiones soportadas: latest (3.8) 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 main dev


pgr_findCloseEdges - Finds the close edges to a point geometry.


Adentro: Boost Graph


  • Versión 3.4.0


pgr_findCloseEdges - An utility function that finds the closest edge to a point geometry.

  • The geometries must be in the same coordinate system (have the same SRID).

  • The code to do the calculations can be obtained for further specific adjustments needed by the application.

  • EMTPY SET is returned on dryrun executions



pgr_findCloseEdges(Edges SQL, punto, tolerancia, [options])
pgr_findCloseEdges(Edges SQL, puntos, tolerancia, [options])
options: [cap, partial, dryrun]
REGRESA CONJUNTO DE (edge_id, fraction, side, distance, geom, edge)

One point

pgr_findCloseEdges(Edges SQL, punto, tolerancia, [options])
options: [cap, partial, dryrun]
REGRESA CONJUNTO DE (edge_id, fraction, side, distance, geom, edge)

Con valores predeterminados

  • Default: cap => 1

    • Maximum one row answer.

  • Default: partial => true

    • With less calculations as possible.

  • Default: dryrun => false

    • Process query

  • Returns

    • values on edge_id, fraction, side columns.

    • NULL on distance, geom, edge columns.

FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
  $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges$$,
  (SELECT geom FROM pointsOfInterest WHERE pid = 5),
 edge_id | fraction | side | distance | geom | edge
       5 |      0.8 | l    |          |      |
(1 row)

Many points

pgr_findCloseEdges(Edges SQL, puntos, tolerancia, [options])
options: [cap, partial, dryrun]
REGRESA CONJUNTO DE (edge_id, fraction, side, distance, geom, edge)

Find at most 2 edges close to all vertices on the points of interest table.

One answer per point, as small as possible.

SELECT edge_id, round(fraction::numeric, 2) AS fraction, side, ST_AsText(geom) AS original_point
FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
  $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges$$,
  (SELECT array_agg(geom) FROM pointsOfInterest),
 edge_id | fraction | side | original_point
       1 |     0.40 | l    | POINT(1.8 0.4)
       6 |     0.30 | r    | POINT(0.3 1.8)
      12 |     0.60 | l    | POINT(2.6 3.2)
      15 |     0.40 | r    | POINT(4.2 2.4)
       5 |     0.80 | l    | POINT(2.9 1.8)
       4 |     0.70 | r    | POINT(2.2 1.7)
(6 rows)

Columns edge_id, fraction, side and geom are returned with values.

geom contains the original point geometry to assist on deterpartialing to which point geometry the row belongs to.





SQL de aristas


SQL de aristas descritas más adelante.



The point geometry



An array of point geometries



Max distance between geometries

Parámetros opcionales



x Defecto





Limit output rows




  • When true only columns needed for withPoints- Categoría are calculated.

  • When false all columns are calculated




  • When false calculations are performed.

  • When true calculations are not performed and the query to do the calculations is exposed in a PostgreSQL NOTICE.

Consultas Internas

SQL aristas






Identificador de la arista.



The LINESTRING geometry of the edge.

Columnas de Resultados

Regresa conjunto de (edge_id, fraction, side, distance, geom, edge)






Identificador de la arista.

  • When cap=1, it is the closest edge.



Value in <0,1> that indicates the relative postition from the first end-point of the edge.



Value in [r, l] indicating if the point is:

  • In the right r.

  • In the left l.

    • When the point is on the line it is considered to be on the right.



Distance from point to edge.

  • NULL when cap = 1 on the One point signature



POINT geometry

  • One Point: Contains the point on the edge that is fraction away from the starting point of the edge.

  • Many Points: Contains the corresponding original point



LINESTRING geometry from the original point to the closest point of the edge with identifier edge_id

One point results

  • The green nodes is the original point

  • The geometry geom is a point on the spep edge.

  • The geometry edge is a line that connects the original point with geom

digraph G {
  subgraph cluster0 {
    point [shape=circle;style=filled;color=green];
    geom [shape=point;color=black;size=0];
    sp, ep;

    point -> geom [dir=none; penwidth=0, color=red];
    sp -> geom -> ep [dir=none;penwidth=3 ];

    {rank=same; point, geom}

  subgraph cluster1 {
    point1 [shape=circle;style=filled;color=green;label=point];
    geom1 [shape=point;color=deepskyblue; xlabel="geom"; width=0.3];
    sp1 [label=sp]; ep1 [label=ep];

    point1 -> geom1 [weight=0, penwidth=3, color=red,
    sp1 -> geom1 -> ep1 [dir=none;weight=1, penwidth=3 ];

    geom1 -> point1 [dir=none;weight=0, penwidth=0, color=red];
    {rank=same; point1, geom1}

Many point results

  • The green nodes are the original points

  • The geometry geom, marked as g1 and g2 are the original points

  • The geometry edge, marked as edge1 and edge2 is a line that connects the original point with the closest point on the spep edge.

digraph G {
  splines = false;
  subgraph cluster0 {
     p1 [shape=circle;style=filled;color=green];
     g1 [shape=point;color=black;size=0];
     g2 [shape=point;color=black;size=0];
     sp, ep;
     p2 [shape=circle;style=filled;color=green];

     sp -> g1 [dir=none;weight=1, penwidth=3 ];
     g1 -> g2 [dir=none;weight=1, penwidth=3 ];
     g2 -> ep [weight=1, penwidth=3 ];

     g2 -> p2 [dir=none;weight=0, penwidth=0, color=red, partiallen=3];
     p1 -> g1 [dir=none;weight=0, penwidth=0, color=red, partiallen=3];
     p1 -> {g1, g2} [dir=none;weight=0, penwidth=0, color=red;]

     {rank=same; p1; g1}
     {rank=same; p2; g2}
  subgraph cluster1 {
     p3 [shape=circle;style=filled;color=deepskyblue;label=g1];
     g3 [shape=point;color=black;size=0];
     g4 [shape=point;color=black;size=0];
     sp1 [label=sp]; ep1 [label=ep];
     p4 [shape=circle;style=filled;color=deepskyblue;label=g2];

     sp1 -> g3 [dir=none;weight=1, penwidth=3 ];
     g3 -> g4 [dir=none;weight=1, penwidth=3,len=10];
     g4 -> ep1 [weight=1, penwidth=3, len=10];

     g4 -> p4 [dir=back;weight=0, penwidth=3, color=red, partiallen=3,
     p3 -> g3 [weight=0, penwidth=3, color=red, partiallen=3,
     p3 -> {g3, g4} [dir=none;weight=0, penwidth=0, color=red];

     {rank=same; p3; g3}
     {rank=same; p4; g4}

Ejemplos Adicionales

One point examples

At most two answers

  • cap => 2

    • Maximum two row answer.

  • Default: partial => true

    • With less calculations as possible.

  • Default: dryrun => false

    • Process query

FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
  $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges$$,
  (SELECT geom FROM pointsOfInterest WHERE pid = 5),
  0.5, cap => 2);
 edge_id |      fraction      | side |      distance       | geom | edge
       5 |                0.8 | l    | 0.10000000000000009 |      |
       8 | 0.8999999999999999 | r    | 0.19999999999999996 |      |
(2 rows)

Understanding the result

  • NULL on geom, edge

  • edge_id identifier of the edge close to the original point

    • Two edges are withing 0.5 distance units from the original point: 5,8

  • For edge 5:

    • fraction: The closest point from the original point is at the 0.8 fraction of the edge 5.

    • side: The original point is located to the left side of edge 5.

    • distance: The original point is located 0.1 length units from edge 5.

  • For edge 8:

    • fraction: The closest point from the original point is at the 0.89.. fraction of the edge 8.

    • side: The original point is located to the right side of edge 8.

    • distance: The original point is located 0.19.. length units from edge 8.

One answer, all columns

  • Default: cap => 1

    • Maximum one row answer.

  • partial => false

    • Calculate all columns

  • Default: dryrun => false

    • Process query

SELECT edge_id, round(fraction::numeric, 2) AS fraction, side, round(distance::numeric, 3) AS distance,
  ST_AsText(geom) AS new_point,
  ST_AsText(edge) AS original_to_new_point
FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
  $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges$$,
  (SELECT geom FROM pointsOfInterest WHERE pid = 5),
  0.5, partial => false);
 edge_id | fraction | side | distance |  new_point   |   original_to_new_point
       5 |     0.80 | l    |    0.100 | POINT(3 1.8) | LINESTRING(2.9 1.8,3 1.8)
(1 row)

Understanding the result

  • edge_id identifier of the edge closest to the original point

    • From all edges within 0.5 distance units from the original point: 5 is the closest one.

  • For edge 5:

    • fraction: The closest point from the original point is at the 0.8 fraction of the edge 5.

    • side: The original point is located to the left side of edge 5.

    • distance: The original point is located 0.1 length units from edge 5.

    • geom: Contains the geometry of the closest point on edge 5 from the original point.

    • edge: Contains the LINESTRING geometry of the original point to the closest point on on edge 5 geom

At most two answers with all columns

  • cap => 2

    • Maximum two row answer.

  • partial => false

    • Calculate all columns

  • Default: dryrun => false

    • Process query

SELECT edge_id, round(fraction::numeric, 2) AS fraction, side, round(distance::numeric, 3) AS distance,
  ST_AsText(geom) AS new_point,
  ST_AsText(edge) AS original_to_new_point
FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
  $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges$$,
  (SELECT geom FROM pointsOfInterest WHERE pid = 5),
  0.5, cap => 2, partial => false);
 edge_id | fraction | side | distance |  new_point   |   original_to_new_point
       5 |     0.80 | l    |    0.100 | POINT(3 1.8) | LINESTRING(2.9 1.8,3 1.8)
       8 |     0.90 | r    |    0.200 | POINT(2.9 2) | LINESTRING(2.9 1.8,2.9 2)
(2 rows)

Understanding the result:

  • edge_id identifier of the edge close to the original point

    • Two edges are withing 0.5 distance units from the original point: 5,8

  • For edge 5:

    • fraction: The closest point from the original point is at the 0.8 fraction of the edge 5.

    • side: The original point is located to the left side of edge 5.

    • distance: The original point is located 0.1 length units from edge 5.

    • geom: Contains the geometry of the closest point on edge 5 from the original point.

    • edge: Contains the LINESTRING geometry of the original point to the closest point on on edge 5 geom

  • For edge 8:

    • fraction: The closest point from the original point is at the 0.89.. fraction of the edge 8.

    • side: The original point is located to the right side of edge 8.

    • distance: The original point is located 0.19.. length units from edge 8.

    • geom: Contains the geometry of the closest point on edge 8 from the original point.

    • edge: Contains the LINESTRING geometry of the original point to the closest point on on edge 8 geom

One point dry run execution

  • Returns EMPTY SET.

  • partial => true

    • Is ignored

    • Because it is a dry run excecution, the code for all calculations are shown on the PostgreSQL NOTICE.

  • dryrun => true

    • Do not process query

    • Generate a PostgreSQL NOTICE with the code used to calculate all columns

      • cap and original point are used in the code

FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
  $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges$$,
  (SELECT geom FROM pointsOfInterest WHERE pid = 5),
  dryrun => true);
    edges_sql AS (SELECT id, geom FROM edges),
    point_sql AS (SELECT '01010000003333333333330740CDCCCCCCCCCCFC3F'::geometry AS point)

      id::BIGINT AS edge_id,
      ST_LineLocatePoint(geom, point) AS fraction,
      CASE WHEN ST_Intersects(ST_Buffer(geom, 0.5, 'side=right endcap=flat'), point)
           THEN 'r'
           ELSE 'l' END::CHAR AS side,

        geom <-> point AS distance,
        ST_ClosestPoint(geom, point) AS new_point,
        ST_MakeLine(point, ST_ClosestPoint(geom, point)) AS new_line

    FROM  edges_sql, point_sql
    WHERE ST_DWithin(geom,  point, 0.5)
    ORDER BY geom <-> point LIMIT 1

 edge_id | fraction | side | distance | geom | edge
(0 rows)

Many points examples

At most two answers per point

  • cap => 2

    • Maximum two row answer.

  • Default: partial => true

    • With less calculations as possible.

  • Default: dryrun => false

    • Process query

SELECT edge_id, round(fraction::numeric, 2) AS fraction, side, round(distance::numeric, 3) AS distance,
  ST_AsText(geom) AS geom_is_original, edge
FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
  $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges$$,
  (SELECT array_agg(geom) FROM pointsOfInterest),
  0.5, cap => 2);
 edge_id | fraction | side | distance | geom_is_original | edge
       1 |     0.40 | l    |    0.200 | POINT(1.8 0.4)   |
       6 |     0.30 | r    |    0.200 | POINT(0.3 1.8)   |
      12 |     0.60 | l    |    0.200 | POINT(2.6 3.2)   |
      11 |     1.00 | l    |    0.447 | POINT(2.6 3.2)   |
      15 |     0.40 | r    |    0.200 | POINT(4.2 2.4)   |
       9 |     1.00 | l    |    0.447 | POINT(4.2 2.4)   |
       5 |     0.80 | l    |    0.100 | POINT(2.9 1.8)   |
       8 |     0.90 | r    |    0.200 | POINT(2.9 1.8)   |
       4 |     0.70 | r    |    0.200 | POINT(2.2 1.7)   |
       8 |     0.20 | r    |    0.300 | POINT(2.2 1.7)   |
(10 rows)

Understanding the result

  • NULL on edge

  • edge_id identifier of the edge close to a original point (geom)

    • Two edges at most withing 0.5 distance units from each of the original points:

      • For POINT(1.8 0.4) and POINT(0.3 1.8) only one edge was found.

      • For the rest of the points two edges were found.

  • For point POINT(2.9 1.8)

    • Edge 5 is before 8 therefore edge 5 has the shortest distance to POINT(2.9 1.8).

    • For edge 5:

      • fraction: The closest point from the original point is at the 0.8 fraction of the edge 5.

      • side: The original point is located to the left side of edge 5.

      • distance: The original point is located 0.1 length units from edge 5.

    • For edge 8:

      • fraction: The closest point from the original point is at the 0.89.. fraction of the edge 8.

      • side: The original point is located to the right side of edge 8.

      • distance: The original point is located 0.19.. length units from edge 8.

One answer per point, all columns

  • Default: cap => 1

    • Maximum one row answer.

  • partial => false

    • Calculate all columns

  • Default: dryrun => false

    • Process query

SELECT edge_id, round(fraction::numeric, 2) AS fraction, side, round(distance::numeric, 3) AS distance,
  ST_AsText(geom) AS geom_is_original,
  ST_AsText(edge) AS original_to_new_point
FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
  $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges$$,
  (SELECT array_agg(geom) FROM pointsOfInterest),
  0.5, partial => false);
 edge_id | fraction | side | distance | geom_is_original |   original_to_new_point
       1 |     0.40 | l    |    0.200 | POINT(1.8 0.4)   | LINESTRING(1.8 0.4,2 0.4)
       6 |     0.30 | r    |    0.200 | POINT(0.3 1.8)   | LINESTRING(0.3 1.8,0.3 2)
      12 |     0.60 | l    |    0.200 | POINT(2.6 3.2)   | LINESTRING(2.6 3.2,2.6 3)
      15 |     0.40 | r    |    0.200 | POINT(4.2 2.4)   | LINESTRING(4.2 2.4,4 2.4)
       5 |     0.80 | l    |    0.100 | POINT(2.9 1.8)   | LINESTRING(2.9 1.8,3 1.8)
       4 |     0.70 | r    |    0.200 | POINT(2.2 1.7)   | LINESTRING(2.2 1.7,2 1.7)
(6 rows)

Understanding the result

  • edge_id identifier of the edge closest to the original point

    • From all edges within 0.5 distance units from the original point: 5 is the closest one.

  • For the original point POINT(2.9 1.8)

    • Edge 5 is the closest edge to the original point

    • fraction: The closest point from the original point is at the 0.8 fraction of the edge 5.

    • side: The original point is located to the left side of edge 5.

    • distance: The original point is located 0.1 length units from edge 5.

    • geom: Contains the geometry of the original point POINT(2.9 1.8)

    • edge: Contains the LINESTRING geometry of the original point (geom) to the closest point on on edge.

Many points dry run execution

  • Returns EMPTY SET.

  • partial => true

    • Is ignored

    • Because it is a dry run excecution, the code for all calculations are shown on the PostgreSQL NOTICE.

  • dryrun => true

    • Do not process query

    • Generate a PostgreSQL NOTICE with the code used to calculate all columns

      • cap and original point are used in the code

FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
  $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges$$,
  (SELECT array_agg(geom) FROM pointsOfInterest),
  dryrun => true);
edges_sql AS (SELECT id, geom FROM edges),
point_sql AS (SELECT unnest('{0101000000CDCCCCCCCCCCFC3F9A9999999999D93F:0101000000CDCCCCCCCCCC10403333333333330340:0101000000CDCCCCCCCCCC04409A99999999990940:0101000000333333333333D33FCDCCCCCCCCCCFC3F:01010000003333333333330740CDCCCCCCCCCCFC3F:01010000009A99999999990140333333333333FB3F}'::geometry[]) AS point),
results AS (
    id::BIGINT AS edge_id,
    ST_LineLocatePoint(geom, point) AS fraction,
    CASE WHEN ST_Intersects(ST_Buffer(geom, 0.5, 'side=right endcap=flat'), point)
         THEN 'r'
         ELSE 'l' END::CHAR AS side,
    geom <-> point AS distance,
    ST_MakeLine(point, ST_ClosestPoint(geom, point)) AS new_line
  FROM  edges_sql, point_sql
  WHERE ST_DWithin(geom, point, 0.5)
  ORDER BY geom <-> point),
prepare_cap AS (
  SELECT row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY point ORDER BY point, distance) AS rn, *
  FROM results)
SELECT edge_id, fraction, side, distance, point, new_line
FROM prepare_cap
WHERE rn <= 1

 edge_id | fraction | side | distance | geom | edge
(0 rows)

Find at most two routes to a given point

Using pgr_withPoints - Propuesto

SELECT * FROM pgr_withPoints(
  $e$ SELECT * FROM edges $e$,
  $p$ SELECT edge_id, round(fraction::numeric, 2) AS fraction, side
      FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
        $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges$$,
        (SELECT geom FROM pointsOfInterest WHERE pid = 5),
        0.5, cap => 2)
  1, ARRAY[-1, -2]);
 seq | path_seq | end_pid | node | edge | cost | agg_cost
   1 |        1 |      -2 |    1 |    6 |    1 |        0
   2 |        2 |      -2 |    3 |    7 |    1 |        1
   3 |        3 |      -2 |    7 |    8 |  0.9 |        2
   4 |        4 |      -2 |   -2 |   -1 |    0 |      2.9
   5 |        1 |      -1 |    1 |    6 |    1 |        0
   6 |        2 |      -1 |    3 |    7 |    1 |        1
   7 |        3 |      -1 |    7 |    8 |    1 |        2
   8 |        4 |      -1 |   11 |    9 |    1 |        3
   9 |        5 |      -1 |   16 |   16 |    1 |        4
  10 |        6 |      -1 |   15 |    3 |    1 |        5
  11 |        7 |      -1 |   10 |    5 |  0.8 |        6
  12 |        8 |      -1 |   -1 |   -1 |    0 |      6.8
(12 rows)

A point of interest table

Handling points outside the graph.

Puntos de interés

Some times the applications work «on the fly» starting from a location that is not a vertex in the graph. Those locations, in pgRrouting are called points of interest.

The information needed in the points of interest is pid, edge_id, side, fraction.

On this documentation there will be some 6 fixed points of interest and they will be stored on a table.




A unique identifier.


Identifier of the edge nearest edge that allows an arrival to the point.


Is it on the left, right or both sides of the segment edge_id


Where in the segment is the point located.


The geometry of the points.


The geometry of the points moved on top of the segment.

CREATE TABLE pointsOfInterest(
    edge_id BIGINT,
    side CHAR,
    fraction FLOAT,
    geom geometry);

LLenado de puntos de interés

INSERT INTO pointsOfInterest (edge_id, side, fraction, geom) VALUES
(1, 'l' , 0.4, ST_POINT(1.8, 0.4)),
(15, 'r' , 0.4, ST_POINT(4.2, 2.4)),
(12, 'l' , 0.6, ST_POINT(2.6, 3.2)),
(6, 'r' , 0.3, ST_POINT(0.3, 1.8)),
(5, 'l' , 0.8, ST_POINT(2.9, 1.8)),
(4, 'b' , 0.7, ST_POINT(2.2, 1.7));

Conectando componentes desconectados

Para obtener la conectividad del grafo:

SELECT * FROM pgr_connectedComponents(
  'SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges'
 seq | component | node
   1 |         1 |    1
   2 |         1 |    3
   3 |         1 |    5
   4 |         1 |    6
   5 |         1 |    7
   6 |         1 |    8
   7 |         1 |    9
   8 |         1 |   10
   9 |         1 |   11
  10 |         1 |   12
  11 |         1 |   13
  12 |         1 |   14
  13 |         1 |   15
  14 |         1 |   16
  15 |         1 |   17
  16 |         1 |   18
  17 |         2 |    2
  18 |         2 |    4
(18 rows)

In this example, the component 2 consists of vertices {2,4} and both vertices are also part of the dead end result set.

This graph needs to be connected.


With the original graph of this documentation, there would be 3 components as the crossing edge in this graph is a different component.

Prepare storage for connection information


Save the vertices connection information

UPDATE vertices SET component = c.component
FROM (SELECT * FROM pgr_connectedComponents(
  'SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges'
)) AS c
WHERE id = node;

Save the edges connection information

UPDATE edges SET component = v.component
FROM (SELECT id, component FROM vertices) AS v
WHERE source =;

Get the closest vertex

Using pgr_findCloseEdges the closest vertex to component 1 is vertex 4. And the closest edge to vertex 4 is edge 14.

SELECT edge_id, fraction, ST_AsText(edge) AS edge, id AS closest_vertex
FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
  $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges WHERE component = 1$$,
  (SELECT array_agg(geom) FROM vertices WHERE component = 2),
  2, partial => false) JOIN vertices USING (geom) ORDER BY distance LIMIT 1;
 edge_id | fraction |                 edge                 | closest_vertex
      14 |      0.5 | LINESTRING(1.999999999999 3.5,2 3.5) |              4
(1 row)

The edge can be used to connect the components, using the fraction information about the edge 14 to split the connecting edge.

Conectando componentes

There are three basic ways to connect the components

  • From the vertex to the starting point of the edge

  • From the vertex to the ending point of the edge

  • From the vertex to the closest vertex on the edge

    • This solution requires the edge to be split.

The following query shows the three ways to connect the components:

info AS (
    edge_id, fraction, side, distance, ce.geom, edge, AS closest,
    source, target, capacity, reverse_capacity, e.geom AS e_geom
  FROM pgr_findCloseEdges(
    $$SELECT id, geom FROM edges WHERE component = 1$$,
    (SELECT array_agg(geom) FROM vertices WHERE component = 2),
    2, partial => false) AS ce
  JOIN vertices AS v USING (geom)
  JOIN edges AS e ON (edge_id =
  ORDER BY distance LIMIT 1),
three_options AS (
    closest AS source, target, 0 AS cost, 0 AS reverse_cost,
    capacity, reverse_capacity,
    ST_X(geom) AS x1, ST_Y(geom) AS y1,
    ST_X(ST_EndPoint(e_geom)) AS x2, ST_Y(ST_EndPoint(e_geom)) AS y2,
    ST_MakeLine(geom, ST_EndPoint(e_geom)) AS geom
  FROM info
  SELECT closest, source, 0, 0, capacity, reverse_capacity,
    ST_X(geom) AS x1, ST_Y(geom) AS y1,
    ST_X(ST_StartPoint(e_geom)) AS x2, ST_Y(ST_StartPoint(e_geom)) AS y2,
    ST_MakeLine(info.geom, ST_StartPoint(e_geom))
  FROM info
  -- This option requires splitting the edge
  SELECT closest, NULL, 0, 0, capacity, reverse_capacity,
    ST_X(geom) AS x1, ST_Y(geom) AS y1,
    ST_X(ST_EndPoint(edge)) AS x2, ST_Y(ST_EndPoint(edge)) AS y2,
  FROM info */
  (source, target,
    cost, reverse_cost,
    capacity, reverse_capacity,
    x1, y1, x2, y2,
    source, target, cost, reverse_cost, capacity, reverse_capacity,
    x1, y1, x2, y2, geom
  FROM three_options);

Checking components

Ignoring the edge that requires further work. The graph is now fully connected as there is only one component.

SELECT * FROM pgr_connectedComponents(
  'SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM edges'
 seq | component | node
   1 |         1 |    1
   2 |         1 |    2
   3 |         1 |    3
   4 |         1 |    4
   5 |         1 |    5
   6 |         1 |    6
   7 |         1 |    7
   8 |         1 |    8
   9 |         1 |    9
  10 |         1 |   10
  11 |         1 |   11
  12 |         1 |   12
  13 |         1 |   13
  14 |         1 |   14
  15 |         1 |   15
  16 |         1 |   16
  17 |         1 |   17
  18 |         1 |   18
(18 rows)

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