Topology - Family of Functions

The pgRouting’s topology of a network represented with a graph in form of two tables: and edge table and a vertex table.

Attributes associated to the tables help to indicate if the graph is directed or undirected, if an edge is one way on a directed graph, and depending on the final application needs, suitable topology(s) need to be created.

The following functions modify the database directly therefore the user must have special permissions given by the administrators to use them.

pgRouting supplies some functions to create a routing topology and to analyze the topology.

Additional functions to create a graph:

Additional functions to analyze a graph:



Proposed functions for next mayor release.

  • They are not officially in the current release.

  • They will likely officially be part of the next mayor release:

    • The functions make use of ANY-INTEGER and ANY-NUMERICAL

    • Name might not change. (But still can)

    • Signature might not change. (But still can)

    • Functionality might not change. (But still can)

    • pgTap tests have being done. But might need more.

    • Documentation might need refinement.

These proposed functions do not modify the database.

See Also

Indices and tables