Function Families

All Pairs - Family of Functions

A* - Family of functions

Bidirectional A* - Family of functions

Bidirectional Dijkstra - Family of functions

Components - Family of functions

Contraction - Family of functions

Dijkstra - Family of functions

Flow - Family of functions

Kruskal - Family of functions

Prim - Family of functions


Topology - Family of Functions

The following functions modify the database directly therefore the user must have special permissions given by the administrators to use them.

Traveling Sales Person - Family of functions

pgr_trsp - Turn Restriction Shortest Path (TRSP) - Turn Restriction Shortest Path (TRSP)

Functions by categories

Cost - Category

Cost Matrix - Category

Driving Distance - Category

K shortest paths - Category

  • pgr_KSP - Yen’s algorithm based on pgr_dijkstra

Spanning Tree - Category

BFS - Category

DFS - Category

See Also

Indices and tables