Datos Muestra

La documentación proporciona consultas de ejemplo muy simples basadas en una red muestra pequeña que asemeja una ciudad. Para ser capaz de ejecutar la mayoría de los ejemplos, siga las siguientes instrucciones.

Main graph

A graph consists of a set of edges and a set of vertices.

The following city is to be inserted into the database:


Information known at this point is the geometry of the edges, cost values, cpacity values, category values and some locations that are not in the graph.

The process to have working topology starts by inserting the edges. After that everything else is calculated.


The database design for the documentation of pgRouting, keeps in the same row 2 segments, one in the direction of the geometry and the second in the oposite direction. Therfore some information has the reverse_ prefix which corresponds to the segment on the oposite direction of the geometry.




Un identificador único.


Identifier of the starting vertex of the geometry geom.


Identifier of the ending vertex of the geometry geom


Cost to traverse from source to target.


Cost to traverse from target to source.


Flow capacity from source to target.


Flow capacity from target to source.


Flow capacity from target to source.


Flow capacity from target to source.


\(x\) coordinate of the starting vertex of the geometry.

  • For convinience it is saved on the table but can be calculated as ST_X(ST_StartPoint(geom)).


\(y\) coordinate of the ending vertex of the geometry.

  • For convinience it is saved on the table but can be calculated as ST_Y(ST_EndPoint(geom)).


The geometry of the segments.

    source BIGINT,
    target BIGINT,
    cost FLOAT,
    reverse_cost FLOAT,
    capacity BIGINT,
    reverse_capacity BIGINT,
    x1 FLOAT,
    y1 FLOAT,
    x2 FLOAT,
    y2 FLOAT,
    geom geometry

A partir de PostgreSQL 12:


Optionally indexes on different columns can be created. The recomendation is to have

  • id indexed.

  • source and target columns indexed to speed up pgRouting queries.

  • geom indexed to speed up gemetry processes that might be needed in the front end.

For this small example the indexes are skipped, except for id

Edges data

Inserting into the database the information of the edges:

    cost, reverse_cost,
    capacity, reverse_capacity, geom) VALUES
( 1,  1,  80, 130,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(2, 0), ST_POINT(2, 1))),
(-1,  1,  -1, 100,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(2, 1), ST_POINT(3, 1))),
(-1,  1,  -1, 130,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(3, 1), ST_POINT(4, 1))),
( 1,  1, 100,  50,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(2, 1), ST_POINT(2, 2))),
( 1, -1, 130,  -1,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(3, 1), ST_POINT(3, 2))),
( 1,  1,  50, 100,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(0, 2), ST_POINT(1, 2))),
( 1,  1,  50, 130,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(1, 2), ST_POINT(2, 2))),
( 1,  1, 100, 130,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(2, 2), ST_POINT(3, 2))),
( 1,  1, 130,  80,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(3, 2), ST_POINT(4, 2))),
( 1,  1, 130,  50,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(2, 2), ST_POINT(2, 3))),
( 1, -1, 130,  -1,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(3, 2), ST_POINT(3, 3))),
( 1, -1, 100,  -1,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(2, 3), ST_POINT(3, 3))),
( 1, -1, 100,  -1,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(3, 3), ST_POINT(4, 3))),
( 1,  1,  80, 130,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(2, 3), ST_POINT(2, 4))),
( 1,  1,  80,  50,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(4, 2), ST_POINT(4, 3))),
( 1,  1,  80,  80,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(4, 1), ST_POINT(4, 2))),
( 1,  1, 130, 100,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(0.5, 3.5), ST_POINT(1.999999999999, 3.5))),
( 1,  1,  50, 130,   ST_MakeLine(ST_POINT(3.5, 2.3), ST_POINT(3.5, 4)));

Negative values on the cost, capacity and category means that the edge do not exist.


The vertex information is calculated based on the identifier of the edge and the geometry and saved on a table. Saving all the information provided by pgr_extractVertices – Propuesto:

SELECT * INTO vertices
FROM pgr_extractVertices('SELECT id, geom FROM edges ORDER BY id');

In this case the because the CREATE statement was not used, the definition of an index on the table is needed.

CREATE SEQUENCE vertices_id_seq;
ALTER TABLE vertices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('vertices_id_seq');
ALTER SEQUENCE vertices_id_seq OWNED BY vertices.id;
SELECT setval('vertices_id_seq', (SELECT coalesce(max(id)) FROM vertices));
(1 row)

The structure of the table is:

                                  Table "public.vertices"
  Column   |       Type       | Collation | Nullable |               Default
 id        | bigint           |           |          | nextval('vertices_id_seq'::regclass)
 in_edges  | bigint[]         |           |          |
 out_edges | bigint[]         |           |          |
 x         | double precision |           |          |
 y         | double precision |           |          |
 geom      | geometry         |           |          |

Datos de vértices

The saved information of the vertices is:

SELECT * FROM vertices;
 id | in_edges | out_edges |       x        |  y  |                    geom
  1 |          | {6}       |              0 |   2 | 010100000000000000000000000000000000000040
  2 |          | {17}      |            0.5 | 3.5 | 0101000000000000000000E03F0000000000000C40
  3 | {6}      | {7}       |              1 |   2 | 0101000000000000000000F03F0000000000000040
  4 | {17}     |           | 1.999999999999 | 3.5 | 010100000068EEFFFFFFFFFF3F0000000000000C40
  5 |          | {1}       |              2 |   0 | 010100000000000000000000400000000000000000
  6 | {1}      | {2,4}     |              2 |   1 | 01010000000000000000000040000000000000F03F
  7 | {4,7}    | {8,10}    |              2 |   2 | 010100000000000000000000400000000000000040
  8 | {10}     | {12,14}   |              2 |   3 | 010100000000000000000000400000000000000840
  9 | {14}     |           |              2 |   4 | 010100000000000000000000400000000000001040
 10 | {2}      | {3,5}     |              3 |   1 | 01010000000000000000000840000000000000F03F
 11 | {5,8}    | {9,11}    |              3 |   2 | 010100000000000000000008400000000000000040
 12 | {11,12}  | {13}      |              3 |   3 | 010100000000000000000008400000000000000840
 13 |          | {18}      |            3.5 | 2.3 | 01010000000000000000000C406666666666660240
 14 | {18}     |           |            3.5 |   4 | 01010000000000000000000C400000000000001040
 15 | {3}      | {16}      |              4 |   1 | 01010000000000000000001040000000000000F03F
 16 | {9,16}   | {15}      |              4 |   2 | 010100000000000000000010400000000000000040
 17 | {13,15}  |           |              4 |   3 | 010100000000000000000010400000000000000840
(17 rows)

Here is where adding more columns to the vertices table can be done. Additional columns names and types will depend on the application.

La topología

This queries based on the vertices data create a topology by filling the source and target columns in the edges table.

/* -- set the source information */
UPDATE edges AS e
SET source = v.id, x1 = x, y1 = y
FROM vertices AS v
WHERE ST_StartPoint(e.geom) = v.geom;
/* -- set the target information */
UPDATE edges AS e
SET target = v.id, x2 = x, y2 = y
FROM vertices AS v
WHERE ST_EndPoint(e.geom) = v.geom;

Datos de topología

SELECT id, source, target
FROM edges ORDER BY id;
 id | source | target
  1 |      5 |      6
  2 |      6 |     10
  3 |     10 |     15
  4 |      6 |      7
  5 |     10 |     11
  6 |      1 |      3
  7 |      3 |      7
  8 |      7 |     11
  9 |     11 |     16
 10 |      7 |      8
 11 |     11 |     12
 12 |      8 |     12
 13 |     12 |     17
 14 |      8 |      9
 15 |     16 |     17
 16 |     15 |     16
 17 |      2 |      4
 18 |     13 |     14
(18 rows)

Puntos fuera del grafo

Puntos de interés

Algunas veces las aplicaciones trabajan «sobre la marcha» comenzando desde una localización que no es un vértice en el grafo. Esas localizaciones, en pgRrouting se llaman puntos de interés.

La información necesaria en los puntos de interés es pid, edge_id, side, fraction.

En esta documentación habrá unos 6 puntos de interés fijos y se almacenarán en una tabla.




Un identificador único.


Identificador de la arista más cercana que permite una llegada al punto.


Está a la izquierda, a la derecha o a ambos lados del segmento edge_id


En qué parte del segmento se encuentra el punto.


La geometría de los puntos.


La geometría de los puntos desplazados sobre el segmento.

CREATE TABLE pointsOfInterest(
    edge_id BIGINT,
    side CHAR,
    fraction FLOAT,
    geom geometry);

LLenado de puntos de interés

INSERT INTO pointsOfInterest (edge_id, side, fraction, geom) VALUES
(1, 'l' , 0.4, ST_POINT(1.8, 0.4)),
(15, 'r' , 0.4, ST_POINT(4.2, 2.4)),
(12, 'l' , 0.6, ST_POINT(2.6, 3.2)),
(6, 'r' , 0.3, ST_POINT(0.3, 1.8)),
(5, 'l' , 0.8, ST_POINT(2.9, 1.8)),
(4, 'b' , 0.7, ST_POINT(2.2, 1.7));

Tablas de apoyo


Many functions can be used with a combinations of (source, target) pairs when wanting a route from source to target.

For convinence of this documentations, some combinations will be stored on a table:

CREATE TABLE combinations (
    source BIGINT,
    target BIGINT

Insertar los datos:

INSERT INTO combinations (
    source, target) VALUES
(5, 6),
(5, 10),
(6, 5),
(6, 15),
(6, 14);

Combinations data

SELECT * FROM combinations;
 source | target
      5 |      6
      5 |     10
      6 |      5
      6 |     15
      6 |     14
(5 rows)


Some functions accept soft restrictions about the segments.

La creación de la tabla de restricciones

CREATE TABLE restrictions (
    path BIGINT[],
    cost FLOAT

Agregando las restricciones

INSERT INTO restrictions (path, cost) VALUES
(ARRAY[4, 7], 100),
(ARRAY[8, 11], 100),
(ARRAY[7, 10], 100),
(ARRAY[3, 5, 9], 4),
(ARRAY[9, 16], 100);

Datos de restricciones

SELECT * FROM restrictions;
 id |  path   | cost
  1 | {4,7}   |  100
  2 | {8,11}  |  100
  3 | {7,10}  |  100
  4 | {3,5,9} |    4
  5 | {9,16}  |  100
(5 rows)


  • Las flechas rojas corresponden cuando cost > 0 en la tabla de aristas.

  • Las flechas azules corresponden cuando reverse_cost > 0 en la tabla de aristas.

  • Los puntos están fuera del grafo.

  • Haga clic en el grafo para ampliarlo.

Grafo dirigido con cost y reverse_cost

Cuando se trabaja con redes de ciudades, esto se recomienda para el punto de vista de los vehículos.


Dirigido, con costo y costo inverso

Grafo no dirigido con cost y reverse_cost

Cuando se trabaja con redes de ciudades, esto se recomienda para el punto de vista de los peatones.


No dirigido, con costo y costo inverso

Directed graph with cost


Dirigido, con costo

Undirected graph with cost


No dirigido, con costo

Datos de Recogida y Entrega

This data example lc101 is from data published at https://www.sintef.no/projectweb/top/pdptw/li-lim-benchmark/

Los vehículos

There are 25 vehciles in the problem all with the same characteristics.

  id BIGINT NOT NULL primary key,
  capacity BIGINT DEFAULT 200,
  start_x FLOAT DEFAULT 30,
  start_y FLOAT DEFAULT 50,
  start_open INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
  start_close INTEGER DEFAULT 1236);
/* create 25 vehciles */
INSERT INTO v_lc101 (id)
(SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 25));

The original orders

The data comes in different rows for the pickup and the delivery of the same order.

CREATE table lc101_c(
  id BIGINT not null primary key,
  demand INTEGER,
  open INTEGER,
  close INTEGER,
  service INTEGER,
  pindex BIGINT,
  dindex BIGINT
/* the original data */
INSERT INTO lc101_c(
  id,     x,    y, demand, open, close, service, pindex, dindex) VALUES
(  1,    45,   68,   -10,   912,   967,   90,   11,    0),
(  2,    45,   70,   -20,   825,   870,   90,    6,    0),
(  3,    42,   66,    10,    65,   146,   90,    0,   75),
(  4,    42,   68,   -10,   727,   782,   90,    9,    0),
(  5,    42,   65,    10,    15,    67,   90,    0,    7),
(  6,    40,   69,    20,   621,   702,   90,    0,    2),
(  7,    40,   66,   -10,   170,   225,   90,    5,    0),
(  8,    38,   68,    20,   255,   324,   90,    0,   10),
(  9,    38,   70,    10,   534,   605,   90,    0,    4),
( 10,    35,   66,   -20,   357,   410,   90,    8,    0),
( 11,    35,   69,    10,   448,   505,   90,    0,    1),
( 12,    25,   85,   -20,   652,   721,   90,   18,    0),
( 13,    22,   75,    30,    30,    92,   90,    0,   17),
( 14,    22,   85,   -40,   567,   620,   90,   16,    0),
( 15,    20,   80,   -10,   384,   429,   90,   19,    0),
( 16,    20,   85,    40,   475,   528,   90,    0,   14),
( 17,    18,   75,   -30,    99,   148,   90,   13,    0),
( 18,    15,   75,    20,   179,   254,   90,    0,   12),
( 19,    15,   80,    10,   278,   345,   90,    0,   15),
( 20,    30,   50,    10,    10,    73,   90,    0,   24),
( 21,    30,   52,   -10,   914,   965,   90,   30,    0),
( 22,    28,   52,   -20,   812,   883,   90,   28,    0),
( 23,    28,   55,    10,   732,   777,    0,    0,  103),
( 24,    25,   50,   -10,    65,   144,   90,   20,    0),
( 25,    25,   52,    40,   169,   224,   90,    0,   27),
( 26,    25,   55,   -10,   622,   701,   90,   29,    0),
( 27,    23,   52,   -40,   261,   316,   90,   25,    0),
( 28,    23,   55,    20,   546,   593,   90,    0,   22),
( 29,    20,   50,    10,   358,   405,   90,    0,   26),
( 30,    20,   55,    10,   449,   504,   90,    0,   21),
( 31,    10,   35,   -30,   200,   237,   90,   32,    0),
( 32,    10,   40,    30,    31,   100,   90,    0,   31),
( 33,     8,   40,    40,    87,   158,   90,    0,   37),
( 34,     8,   45,   -30,   751,   816,   90,   38,    0),
( 35,     5,   35,    10,   283,   344,   90,    0,   39),
( 36,     5,   45,    10,   665,   716,    0,    0,  105),
( 37,     2,   40,   -40,   383,   434,   90,   33,    0),
( 38,     0,   40,    30,   479,   522,   90,    0,   34),
( 39,     0,   45,   -10,   567,   624,   90,   35,    0),
( 40,    35,   30,   -20,   264,   321,   90,   42,    0),
( 41,    35,   32,   -10,   166,   235,   90,   43,    0),
( 42,    33,   32,    20,    68,   149,   90,    0,   40),
( 43,    33,   35,    10,    16,    80,   90,    0,   41),
( 44,    32,   30,    10,   359,   412,   90,    0,   46),
( 45,    30,   30,    10,   541,   600,   90,    0,   48),
( 46,    30,   32,   -10,   448,   509,   90,   44,    0),
( 47,    30,   35,   -10,  1054,  1127,   90,   49,    0),
( 48,    28,   30,   -10,   632,   693,   90,   45,    0),
( 49,    28,   35,    10,  1001,  1066,   90,    0,   47),
( 50,    26,   32,    10,   815,   880,   90,    0,   52),
( 51,    25,   30,    10,   725,   786,    0,    0,  101),
( 52,    25,   35,   -10,   912,   969,   90,   50,    0),
( 53,    44,    5,    20,   286,   347,   90,    0,   58),
( 54,    42,   10,    40,   186,   257,   90,    0,   60),
( 55,    42,   15,   -40,    95,   158,   90,   57,    0),
( 56,    40,    5,    30,   385,   436,   90,    0,   59),
( 57,    40,   15,    40,    35,    87,   90,    0,   55),
( 58,    38,    5,   -20,   471,   534,   90,   53,    0),
( 59,    38,   15,   -30,   651,   740,   90,   56,    0),
( 60,    35,    5,   -40,   562,   629,   90,   54,    0),
( 61,    50,   30,   -10,   531,   610,   90,   67,    0),
( 62,    50,   35,    20,   262,   317,   90,    0,   68),
( 63,    50,   40,    50,   171,   218,   90,    0,   74),
( 64,    48,   30,    10,   632,   693,    0,    0,  102),
( 65,    48,   40,    10,    76,   129,   90,    0,   72),
( 66,    47,   35,    10,   826,   875,   90,    0,   69),
( 67,    47,   40,    10,    12,    77,   90,    0,   61),
( 68,    45,   30,   -20,   734,   777,   90,   62,    0),
( 69,    45,   35,   -10,   916,   969,   90,   66,    0),
( 70,    95,   30,   -30,   387,   456,   90,   81,    0),
( 71,    95,   35,    20,   293,   360,   90,    0,   77),
( 72,    53,   30,   -10,   450,   505,   90,   65,    0),
( 73,    92,   30,   -10,   478,   551,   90,   76,    0),
( 74,    53,   35,   -50,   353,   412,   90,   63,    0),
( 75,    45,   65,   -10,   997,  1068,   90,    3,    0),
( 76,    90,   35,    10,   203,   260,   90,    0,   73),
( 77,    88,   30,   -20,   574,   643,   90,   71,    0),
( 78,    88,   35,    20,   109,   170,    0,    0,  104),
( 79,    87,   30,    10,   668,   731,   90,    0,   80),
( 80,    85,   25,   -10,   769,   820,   90,   79,    0),
( 81,    85,   35,    30,    47,   124,   90,    0,   70),
( 82,    75,   55,    20,   369,   420,   90,    0,   85),
( 83,    72,   55,   -20,   265,   338,   90,   87,    0),
( 84,    70,   58,    20,   458,   523,   90,    0,   89),
( 85,    68,   60,   -20,   555,   612,   90,   82,    0),
( 86,    66,   55,    10,   173,   238,   90,    0,   91),
( 87,    65,   55,    20,    85,   144,   90,    0,   83),
( 88,    65,   60,   -10,   645,   708,   90,   90,    0),
( 89,    63,   58,   -20,   737,   802,   90,   84,    0),
( 90,    60,   55,    10,    20,    84,   90,    0,   88),
( 91,    60,   60,   -10,   836,   889,   90,   86,    0),
( 92,    67,   85,    20,   368,   441,   90,    0,   93),
( 93,    65,   85,   -20,   475,   518,   90,   92,    0),
( 94,    65,   82,   -10,   285,   336,   90,   96,    0),
( 95,    62,   80,   -20,   196,   239,   90,   98,    0),
( 96,    60,   80,    10,    95,   156,   90,    0,   94),
( 97,    60,   85,    30,   561,   622,    0,    0,  106),
( 98,    58,   75,    20,    30,    84,   90,    0,   95),
( 99,    55,   80,   -20,   743,   820,   90,  100,    0),
( 100,   55,   85,    20,   647,   726,   90,    0,   99),
( 101,   25,   30,   -10,   725,   786,   90,   51,    0),
( 102,   48,   30,   -10,   632,   693,   90,   64,    0),
( 103,   28,   55,   -10,   732,   777,   90,   23,    0),
( 104,   88,   35,   -20,   109,   170,   90,   78,    0),
( 105,    5,   45,   -10,   665,   716,   90,   36,    0),
( 106,   60,   85,   -30,   561,   622,   90,   97,    0);
INSERT 0 106

Las órdenes

The original data needs to be converted to an appropiate table:

WITH deliveries AS (SELECT * FROM lc101_c WHERE dindex = 0)
  row_number() over() AS id, p.demand,
  p.id as p_node_id, p.x AS p_x, p.y AS p_y, p.open AS p_open, p.close as p_close, p.service as p_service,
  d.id as d_node_id, d.x AS d_x, d.y AS d_y, d.open AS d_open, d.close as d_close, d.service as d_service
INTO c_lc101
FROM deliveries as d JOIN lc101_c as p ON (d.pindex = p.id);
SELECT * FROM c_lc101 LIMIT 1;
 id | demand | p_node_id | p_x | p_y | p_open | p_close | p_service | d_node_id | d_x | d_y | d_open | d_close | d_service
  1 |     10 |         3 |  42 |  66 |     65 |     146 |        90 |        75 |  45 |  65 |    997 |    1068 |        90
(1 row)